Sergey Yakovlevich Trofimov
Restoration of the raised bogs of the Khanty-Mansiysk Ob region after reclamation of oil-salt-polluted peat soils in 2003-2005Moscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2020. 3. p.28-38Ekaterina A. Shishkonakova Sergey Ya. Trofimov Nikolay A. Avetov Anna V. Arzamazova Ruslan R. Kinzhaev Denis V. Brykovskyread more703
The process of natural remediation of oil-polluted and salt-polluted raised bogs of KhMAO - Yugra reclaimed 14-16 years ago is analyzed. In general, the revegetation is proceeding successfully, although mesophytic grasses sown during reclamation have almost completely fallen out of the grass stand. In salt-contaminated areas, there is a gradual desalination of peat soil, accompanied by a succession of halophytic (hemigalophytic) plant communities dominated by Calamagrostis epigeios, Eriophorum angustifolium and Phragmites australis with the participation of sphagnum and brown mosses, as well as liverworts. A characteristic feature of these habitats is the settlement of a number of rare protected species ( Heterogemma laxa, Thelypteris palustris, Triglochin maritimum ). In oil-polluted bogs, during the re-vegetation, hydrocarbons often flow from the underlying peat soil horizons to form the surface crust. At the same time, grass stands from Eriophorum angustifolium and some other species with powerful root systems are replacing grass-sedge-cotton grass communities. Sphagnum riparium and Warnstorfia fluitans play also a certain role in the overgrowth of crusted surfaces. Unsuccessful recovery is typical for hollows with difficult runoff in the case of salt-contaminated bogs and the most dry locations in the case of oil - contaminated ones.
Keywords: oil and salt-contaminated soils; raised bogs; reclamation; re-vegetation
Laboratory determination of the solid phase composition of technogenic salted peat bog: possibilities and limitationsMoscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2020. 3. p.39-46Yuri N. Vodyanitsky Nikolay A. Avetov Alexander T. Savichev Sergey Ya. Trofimov Ekaterina A. Shishkonakovaread more673
The laboratory study of the solid phase of salted peat by X-ray fluorescence analysis revealed the presence of some halogen-organic compounds. Cl-organic compounds were formed in one third of peat samples, while their share is small: 14-15% of the total Cl. On the contrary, Br-organic compounds are formed more often and Brorg proportion is higher: from 12 to 23% of total Br. Relatively weak development of halogenisation of the organic matter in salted peat bog is explained by the recovery conditions that prevent the synthesis of halogen-organic compounds. In X-ray diffraction analysis of peat ash, errors are possible, both due to the growth of minerals, and due to incomplete identification of the number of phases in high-ash peat samples. The second type of error can be corrected using data on the content of chlorine in peat by X-ray fluorescence analysis. In the characteristic of peat bog contamination, in addition to salt profiles in the solution, it is necessary to determine the number and composition of halogen-organic compounds, some of which have herbicide properties.
Keywords: X-ray fluorescence soil analysis; soil analysis; X-ray diffractometric soil analysis; halogens; Cl-organic compounds; Br-organic compounds
Mineralization of organic matter of oil)polluted and remediated oil)polluted soils of middle taiga zone of West Siberia under laboratory conditionsMoscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2021. 2. p.51-56Sergey Ya. Trofimov Anna V. Arzamazova Mikhail M. Karpukhin Ruslan R. Kinzhaev Anastasia V. Khamutovskayaread more691
Mineralization rates of soil organic matter (SOM) decomposition of non-remediated and remediated oil)polluted, as well as background soils from the main types of West Siberian middle taiga’s ecosystems were measured in laboratory experiments. Rates of SOM mineralization were measured by alkali absorption of CO2 released from wet soil samples at 20°C (basal respiration). Because of linear character of cumulative curves of CO2 release SOM mi neralization rates were expressed by mineralization index K1 equal to the annual amount of CO2 released per 1 gramm of soil. K1 values varied in a range 0,123—1,578 mg СО2/g/day. Highest value was found in background forest soil, lowest — in oil-polluted peat soil with extremely high oil content (544 g/kg). K1 values negatively correlated (K = –0,57) with oil content. SOM mineralization rates in remediated oil)polluted peat soils varied in a range — 0,31—0,85 mg СО2/g/day
Keywords: mineralization rates of soil organic matter; absorption of CO2; remediated oil-polluted peat soils
Radial migration of petroleum hydrocarbons in soils of Sakhalin island based on laboratory lysimetric experimentsMoscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2021. 3. p.70-78read more798
The estimation of the radial migration of petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) in soil profile and their inflow into lysimetric leachates was done to establish acceptable TPH limits in main soil types of Sakhalin Island. The maximum concentrations of TPH, especially medium and high-boiling fractions of TPH, were accumulated in peat and humus horizons, as well as in soil horizons, characterized by heavy loam or clay granulometric composition, which could be considered as radial geochemical barriers to the migration of pollutants. Benzene and its homologues were detected in filtrates from soil monoliths, after passing a water volume corresponding to three-quarters of the annual precipitation, yet these compounds were not revealed after passing the annual precipitation rate through the soil. The toxicity of the leachates was assessed in bioassay with ceriodaphnia and ciliates. The criteria for establishing the acceptable TPH norms in soils according water migration index can be: concentration of TPH, the content of monoaromatic compounds in leachates and their toxicity for hydrobionts in lysimetric experiments.
The reaction of higher plants to the oil contamination of soils in the pot experimentMoscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2022. 3. p.74-84read more954
In Russia, the lands with oil contaminated soils exceed tens of thousands hectares. However, to date, there were no unified approaches to the rationing of oil and petroleum hydrocarbons (PH) in soils, a guideline to choose optimal evaluation indicators. The response of plants in the pot experiment could provide significant results for assessing and rationing of PH content in soils and their use in agriculture after land remediation. In this work we assessed the response of higher plants as a marker of the direction and intensity of biological processes in soils in the pot experiment under oil contamination to justify the standards of permissible residual content of PH in soils of agricultural lands. The composition and properties of Luvic Chernozems, Calcic Chernozems, Voronic Chernozems (WRB, 2015) used in the pot experiment, which was carried out in a month after the soil contamination with crude sulfur-containing oil, were investigated. The effect of different oil doses on the bioproductivity of wheat and peas was evaluated. Wheat in terms of dry biomass showed higher sensitivity to PH, containing medium and heavy fractions, than peas. Rationing the PH content in chernozems, a nonlinear regression model described by a logistic curve was applied. The quality standard values found for wheat biomass was 0,9; 0,4; 1,0 g * kg-1 for Luvic Сhernozems (humus content ~ 9,8%, sandyloam texture); Calcic Chernozems (humus content ~7,6%, clay loam texture), Voronic Chernozems (humus content ~12.8%, loam texture), respectively. The residual PH contents, found as 30% of soil functioning change, which corresponded to the risk level of soil degradation, estimated by the soil fertility parameter — dry wheat biomass were 1,2 g·kg-1 for Voronic Chernozems; 0,5 g·kg-1 — Calcic Chernozems; 1,1 g·kg-1 in Luvic Chernozems.
Keywords: chernozems; oil contamination; ecological functions; rationing; steppe zone
The choice of indicators for the ecological rationing of petroleum products in chestnut soilsMoscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2023. 2. p.94-105read more601
Th e response of the microbial community of soils to diff erent levels of oil contamination in a model experiment was studied according to indicators: basal respiration (BR), basal induced respiration (SIR), carbon of microbial biomass (Cmic), potential denitrifi cation (DNF), methanogenesis, catalase activity. Th e soils are represented by light chestnut (Haplic Kastanozems Sodic) and meadow-chestnut (Gleyic Kastanozems Chromic) dry-steppe zone of the Stavropol area, diff ering in the organic matter content, salinity and the content of physical clay. Th e intensity of BR increased aft er 30 days of the crude oil input into the soils and caused the growth of Cmic due to the activation of oil-oxidizing microorganisms in anaerobic zones of soils. DNF varied in light chestnut and meadow-chestnut soils not directly, that was probably due to the level of organic matter content in soils and their salinity. Catalase activity was a sensitive indicator for the petroleum hydrocarbons in light chestnut soil, but salinity was the determining factor in its activity in meadow chestnut soil. Biotesting with the use of worms Eisenia fetida showed the inability of test organisms to survive in non-contaminated chestnut soils. A signifi cant indicator that did not depend on natural factors in chestnut soils was BR and related indicators. Catalase activity and DNF have limitations on the salinity factor.Keywords: oil; dry-steppe soils; respiration activity; enzymatic activity; environmental standards; soil functions
Studies of oil- contaminated soils and forward-looking approaches to their remediatioMoscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2023. 4. p.83-93read more666
Milestones in the study of oil-contaminated soils at the Faculty of Soil Science for 50 years of its foundation are dis- cussed from the prospects for the development of environmental regulation and new technologies of soil reclamation. The development of a methodological framework for the determination of oil and petroleum hydrocarbons in soils, studies of soil properties, the chemistry of oil and its components in soil and adjacent media are shown. The devel- opment of legislation on the rationing of petroleum hydrocarbons in soils is given, including the important role of the staff of Faculty of Soil Science of Moscow State University in the work out of a number of regional standards for the permissible residual content of petroleum hydrocarbons in soils is noted. The approaches to ecological rationing of oil and petroleum hydrocarbons in soils are proposed, in the aspects of natural climatic zones and the type of landuse. The importance of improving the regulatory and methodological framework and continuing work in this direction is emphasized. The necessity of research at developing technologies for reclamation of oil-contaminated lands and special use of oil-contaminated waste is indicated.
Keywords: soils; oil and petroleum hydrocarbons; rationing; reclamation; remediants; technologies
The efficacy of ameliorants for remediation of soils contaminated with heavy metals, in a lab experimentMoscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2024. 1. p.105-118Ekaterina Ig. Kovaleva Polina M. Perebasova Danila An. Avdulov Dmitry V. Ladonin Sergey Ya. Trofimovread more660
The effectiveness of remediators in detoxification of soils contaminated with heavy metals was studied in a lab experiment. The objects of the study were the soils of the southern tundra, functioning under conditions of anthropogenic impact: Haplic Gleysols (Gelic) and Histic Fluvisols (Oxyaquic). The chemical ability of remediants to bind metals (Ni and Cu), transferring them to a sedentary state in comparison with the reference variants (without any addition of remediants), was evaluated. In experiments, remediants were used in three doses (D1, D2, D3): shungite; diatomite, glauconite and bentonite. To assess the immobilization of Ni and Cu in soils, acid-soluble (CR) forms (extraction of 1 n. HNO3), mobile forms (ammonium acetate buffer solution with pH 4.8), water-soluble forms of Ni and Cu (1:20 aqueous extract) were determined by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. The effectiveness of soil detoxification during the application of remediants was evaluated by the phytotoxic effect in an express phytoassay with standardized tests (Brassica rapa CrGC and Avena sativa) represented by higher plants. A decrease in the proportion of mobile forms of Ni and Cu by 50% or more in Haplic Gleysols (Gelic) was revealed with the addition of any dose of ameliorants. The greatest effect of reducing mobility was exerted by shungite and diatomite at a dose of D1 — up to 15% Ni and Cu for Histic Fluvisols (Oxyaquic) soil. The use of the selected remediants in the indicated amounts did not reveal a phytotoxic effect on the tests in the experiment.
Keywords: nickel; copper; soil toxicity; southern tundra; mineral sorbents
The functioning of petroleum hydrocarbon contaminated soils in the taiga zone of Western SiberiaMoscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2024. 4. p.214-227read more261
The soils of two pairs of catena were studied under conditions of petroleum hydrocarbon (PH) contamination and lack of exposure within the Middle Taiga subzone (Tyumen region). 1st pair of catena: Gleyic Albic Podzol, Dystric Gleyic Histic Fluvisols, Dystric Gleyic Fluvisols; 2nd pair of catena:Albic Gleyic Retisols, Albic Gleyic Histic Retisols, Dystric Histic Gleysols . The effects of PH contamination on the biological characteristics of soils (respiration and catalase activity) and the possibility of their use for rationing the content of PH in soils were evaluated. The lateral migration of PH in soils prevailed over the radial one. The highest concentrations of PH were adsorbed in the upper peat layer (from 83 to 399 g∙kg-1). For soils of the superaqual position, a radial monotonously decreasing distribution of PH along the profile was revealed (from 40–50 to 3–4 g∙kg-1). PH contamination of soils led to a violation of the barrier and transformational hydrosphere functions of soils. The pH reaction of soils significantly changed towards alkalinization (0,5 to 2,0 pH units). The accumulation of chlorides (up to 0,7 g∙kg-1) with a maximum in the soils of the superaqual position was recorded; a reliable correlation was established between the pairs: the content of PH – pH, PH – Cl- and Cl- – pH, which indicated the income of crude oil into the soil as a result of emergency pipeline holes. PH underwent changes over time: heavy high-boiling hydrocarbons (99.9%) were present in the soils after 3 years of pollution. A significant correlation was revealed between PH and basal respiration (BR): direct for humic and reverse for organic soil horizons. It was found the microbial coefficient of qCO2 in organic soils of Western Siberia under oil contamination decreased with an increase in the concentration of PH. A negative correlation was found between PH concentrations and catalase activity in soils (R = –0,80 – (–0,90), p<0,05). Th e levels of PH content at which stable soil functioning occurs are justifi ed: no more than 6,8 g∙kg-1 for soils with 1-year contamination and 2,3 g∙kg-1 for soils with 3-year contamination and high concentrations of salts.Keywords: oil pollution; soils of the middle taiga; enzymatic activity; soil respiration; soil functions