ISSN 0137-0944
eISSN 2949-6144
En Ru
ISSN 0137-0944
eISSN 2949-6144

Review procedure

Each received manuscript undergoes several stages of examination and evaluation before publication.

Stage 1.

The assistant editor-in-chief reviews each new manuscript after the submission and determines its compliance with the general formal requirements, in particular, the following "entry" points:

  • (1) the subject matter of the journal;
  • (2) genre and type of the published work;
  • (3) the correctness of the design of the manuscript text, the quality of the preparation of illustrative material, etc.; 
  • (4) literacy, clarity, and logic of the presentation of the text by the norms of the literary language; 
  • (5) availability of all necessary metadata in Russian and English.

If the manuscript does not meet the journal's requirements, it is sent for revision. If the author has finalized the article by the Guidelines for the design of articles adopted in the journal, has corrected errors, and has submitted all the necessary metadata in Russian and English, the manuscript is accepted and sent for further examination.

Stage 2.

All manuscripts with scientific content – research and review articles that have passed the 1st stage, are checked for the originality of the text and the presence of incorrect borrowings. Verification is carried out through the software tools of the company "Antiplagiat". The chief or scientific editor analyzes the results in detail and makes a final decision on the text's originality level and the presence or absence of plagiarism in the manuscript. Manuscripts that have not passed through the "Anti-Plagiarism" do not enter the next stages of examination.

Stage 3.

The scientific editor submits the manuscript that has passed the 1st and 2nd stages of preliminary examination for expert evaluation to two reviewers who are recognized in the professional community as acting specialists in the thematic area relevant to the reviewed work.

Before submission for review, the manuscript is anonymized (affiliation, information about the authors, references to the author's works in the text and in the bibliographic list are removed). In case of the reviewer's deanonymization by the author, the latter must immediately inform the assistant editor-in-chief and the editorial board about this fact to prevent a possible conflict of interests. The conflict of interest may be caused by personal relationships, beliefs and scientific rivalry, which are factors that prevent an impartial analysis of the manuscript's content from making an objective decision on the publication of research results.