ISSN 0137-0944
eISSN 2949-6144
En Ru
ISSN 0137-0944
eISSN 2949-6144
Laboratory determination of the solid phase composition of technogenic salted peat bog: possibilities and limitations

Laboratory determination of the solid phase composition of technogenic salted peat bog: possibilities and limitations


The laboratory study of the solid phase of salted peat by X-ray fluorescence analysis revealed the presence of some halogen-organic compounds. Cl-organic compounds were formed in one third of peat samples, while their share is small: 14-15% of the total Cl. On the contrary, Br-organic compounds are formed more often and Brorg proportion is higher: from 12 to 23% of total Br. Relatively weak development of halogenisation of the organic matter in salted peat bog is explained by the recovery conditions that prevent the synthesis of halogen-organic compounds. In X-ray diffraction analysis of peat ash, errors are possible, both due to the growth of minerals, and due to incomplete identification of the number of phases in high-ash peat samples. The second type of error can be corrected using data on the content of chlorine in peat by X-ray fluorescence analysis. In the characteristic of peat bog contamination, in addition to salt profiles in the solution, it is necessary to determine the number and composition of halogen-organic compounds, some of which have herbicide properties.


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Received: 02/11/2020

Accepted: 03/13/2020

Accepted date: 09/30/2020

Keywords: X-ray fluorescence soil analysis; soil analysis; X-ray diffractometric soil analysis; halogens; Cl-organic compounds; Br-organic compounds

Available in the on-line version with: 30.09.2020

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Issue 3, 2020