Natalia Aleksandrovna Kulikova
A. N. Bach Institute of Biochemistry, Federal Research Center of Biotechnology of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Fatty acids as biomarkers in typical chernozems of different management practiceMoscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2019. 1. p.17-22Julian R. Farkhodov Vladimir A. Ivanov Vladimir A. Kholodov Nadezhda V. Yaroslavtseva Mikhail A. Yashin Natalia A. Kulikovaread more583
The paper presents the results of the study of fatty acid profiles of typical chernozems with different management practice. The study showed that degradation of soil organic matter in typical chernozems is accompanied by depletion of fatty acids, while its accumulation resulted in an increase in their diversity. In this regard, the composition of fatty acid soil profiles allows classifying the soil successfully according to the prevailing processes of transformation of organic matter. An uneven distribution of fatty acids was discovered in soil aggregates of different sizes for the untillage chernozems, whereas arable chernozems possessed regular distribution of fatty acids among aggregates of different size. Eicosapentaenoic acid which is a moiety of microalgae, and dihomo-gamma-linolenic acid which is synthesized by fungi Mortierella can be considered as biomarkers of the withdrawal of typical chernozem from agricultural use to a fallow land.
Keywords: biomarkers; fatty acids; typical chernozems
The degradation of glyphosate and its effect on microbial community of agrosod-podzolic soil under the short-term model experience conditionsMoscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2020. 3. p.47-55read more656
In laboratory conditions, the decomposition of glyphosate with the formation of aminomethylphosphonic acid (AMPA) and its effect on the total abundance of bacteria and fungi, as well as the number of copies of genes encoding the enzymes C-P lyase of a-proteobacteria ( phnJ ), acid and alkaline phosphatase ( phoC and phoD ) and Fe-protein nitrogenase ( nifH ). It is shown that when applying glyphosate in recommended doses (5-10 mg/kg) 5-7% of the introduced herbicide is detected after 14 days, but when the dose is increased to 100 mg/kg, this value increases to 23%. Slowing down the rate of degradation of the herbicide appears only in the first week of incubation and is accompanied by a decrease in the number of copies of the phoC, phoD, nifH genes and an increase in the abundance of fungi. The obtained results indicate a predominant degradation of glyphosate with the C-P bond breaking and the formation of phosphates, as well as a possible inhibition of the nitrogen fixation process. It is shown that at an application dose of glyphosate 100 mg/kg, the accumulation of the first metabolite AMPA can occur during the degradation of the herbicide with a break in the C—N bond. Bioassay using wheat showed that when applying glyphosate at a dose of 100 mg/kg, there is an inhibition of plant development: the length of the roots and the biomass of the shoots reduced by 60 and 20% compared to the control, respectively. Based on the obtained data, it is proposed to use the reduction in the content of copies of the phoC gene and the growth of copies of ITS rRNA as indicators of the predominant decomposition of glyphosate through the sarcosin pathway. A reduction of copies of ITS rRNA gene by 40% or more can be used as an indicator of the possibility of AMPA accumulation during glyphosate degradation.
Keywords: amino-methyl-phosphonic acid; polymerase chain reaction; phoC; phoD; nifH
Dissolved organic matter of chernozems of diff erent uses: the relationship of structural features and mineral compositionMoscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2024. 1. p.24-32Natalia A. Kulikova Vladimir A. Kholodov Julian R. Farkhodov Aliya R. Ziganshina Anna G. Zavarzina Mikhail M. Karpukhinread more625
Structural peculiarities of the organic component of dissolved organic matter (DOM) of typical chernozems (Protocalcic Chernozem), differing in the principal direction of soil organic matter transformation (accumulation or mineralization), has been analyzed in relation to the mineral composition of DOM. To characterize the structural features of the organic component, spectrometry in the ultraviolet and visible range and fluorescence spectroscopy were applied as approaches most often used for these purposes due to the expressiveness and accessibility of the instrumental design. The content of mineral elements (Al, B, Ba, Ca, Fe, K, Li, Mg, Mn, Na, P, S, Si, Zn) was carried out by optical emission spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma. DOM of arable chernozems, where the mineralization of organic matter is the prevalent process of organic matter transformation, was found to possess higher values of the indexes E2/E3, BIX and SUVA254. The latter indicates a smaller MM, a greater contribution of organic matter of microbial origin and aromatic structures to the composition of DOM as compared to soils not involved in agricultural use. The analysis of the mineral component showed Si and Ca were the most abundant elements in the DOM. The involvement of chernozems in agricultural use resulted in a decrease in Ca content and an increase in Si, Fe and Al, what reflected an increase in the degree of weathering of the mineral matrix of chernozems. The conducted rank correlation analysis showed the presence of significant relationships between the structural characteristics of the DOM (E2/E3, SUVA254, MM, BIX, T) and the content of mineral elements (Ca, Al, Fe, Si) indicating the influence of weathering processes on the formation of the soil DOM.Keywords: arable soils; UV-visible spectroscopy; fluorescence spectroscopy; gel permeation chromatography; weathering