Maxim Vladimirovich Dabakhov
The practice of determining the age of fallow based on the patterns of development of postagrogenic successionMoscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2023. 3. p.28-35read more631
One of the tasks set when establishing the fact of inappropriate use of agricultural land in the framework of law
enforcement practice is to determine the period of non-use of land for agricultural purposes. As the most accessible
methods that can be used to determine the age of a fallow in the absence of documented data on the history of the
land plot and aerial and space survey materials is the study of the vegetation cover formed on the studied sites during
the postagrogenic succession and the transformation of the arable horizon.
In the course of a study conducted on the territory of agricultural lands located within the Kurgan region, it was
found that the exact determination of the period of non-use of land is possible using dendrochronology methods in
the presence of trees on the site. In addition, the study of the species composition of grassy vegetation allowed us to
identify a number of communities belonging to the successive stages of development of postagrogenic succession:
weedy, the stage of rhizomatous cereals, the stage of transition from rhizomatous to loose-turf cereal grasses, however,
it is not possible to accurately determine the duration of these stages. At the same time, a comparative analysis
of the species composition of various areas of grassy vegetation, as well as the thickness and composition of the sod,
allows us to establish the similarity of two or more sites, one of which has woody vegetation, which is a marker of
the age of the fallow and in neighboring areas.
Thus, the main feature that allows you to determine the age of a fallow on the land plot is the age of the existing
woody vegetation. As an additional feature that allows determining a single contour of a deposit of a certain age,
the species composition of the herbaceous biocenosis, the degree of development and the composition of the sod
can be used.Keywords: the period of non-use of land; the species composition of vegetation; the thickness of the sod layer; the age of the tree stand; the intended use of agricultural lands
The prospects for environmental assessment, regulation and quality management of soils and landsMoscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2023. 4. p.55-62Alexander S. Yakovlev Maria V. Evdokimova Vera A. Terekhova Irina O. Plekhanova Maxim V. Dabakhov George G. Omel’yanyuk Anastasia S.Gorlenko Natalia V. Kopelchukread more692
The most promising areas of ecological assessment, regulation and quality management of soils and lands are: the study of their ecological functions and the role of the anthropogenic factors in the formation of the natural complex of lands that has developed within land plots, taking into account natural conditions, the type of land use and the relationship with natural environments; study of natural connections between the soil cover and subsurface geological layers; determination of permissible changes in soil quality during oil pollution, forest and peat harvesting taking into account the prospects of natural self-restoration of landscapes; the study of direct and inverse relationships of soils, aquatic environments and amphibian landscapes in conditions of land pollution; identification of the func- tional relationship between the state of soils and the quality of atmospheric air; study of aspects of contact of soils and other components of the environment with waste. The analysis of the existing legal norms aimed at protecting soils as a component of the environment allowed us to conclude that the structure of environmental legislation is incomplete, within the framework of which, among the existing federal laws regulating the protection of environ- mental components, a Law on Soil Protection needs to be developed.Keywords: ecological state; soils’ ecological functions; lands’ ecological functions; soil pollution; remote sensing; atmospheric air; flora and fauna; subsoil; aquatic environments; waste; land use
Problems of rationing the content of chemical elements and compounds in soils in law enforcement practice.Moscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2024. 2. p.73-83read more541
Ratuioning of the content of hazardous substances in soil as an object of environmental protection in the Russian Federation is provided by a set of normative acts establishing the principles of assessment, approaches to the use of soils of varying degrees of anthropogenic transformation, the level of their pollution, at which the responsibility of the land user for violation of legislation on soil protection occurs. The analysis of normative acts shows that the most stringent pollution regulation system has been established in Russia, which is based on determining the compliance of the content of chemical elements and compounds in soils with sanitary and hygienic standards in the territories of settlements and agricultural lands. On other lands, as a standard, the excess of which leads to the onset of economic responsibility for pollution, the value of the concentration of the pollutant in the adjacent territory of a similar purpose and type of use, which is not adversely affected by a specific type of violation, is applied. At the same time, chemical elements and compounds are considered as pollutants, regardless of their origin, degree of danger and biological significance. The application of this approach within the framework of law enforcement practice creates significant problems in establishing the fact of negative impact, calculating the amount of damage from pollution, and developing measures for soil remediation. Thus, the current regulations consider as pollutants substances of natural origin, including those that ensure soil fertility and are applied with mineral and organic fertilizers. The use of the background level of substances as the maximum permissible value does not take into account the natural variability of elements and compounds in soils, as well as the errors of their chemical analysis. The excessive rigidity of the applicable standards is the reason for the increased costs of soil remediation measures.
The way out of this situation is to revise the rationing system, taking into account the biological significance of elements and compounds, and the need to introduce a multi-level system of soil quality indicators. There is a need to improve the conceptual framework as part of regulatory documents on soil protection.
Keywords: calculation of damage to soils; background content; pollutant; economic responsibility for pollution; soil protection
Organic farming: development prospects in Russia, taking into account the international marketMoscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2024. 1. p.136-146read more573
The production of organic agriculture products has become one of the most growing areas of economic activity, with projected annual growth of 10-12%. At the same time, the demand for organic products significantly exceeds the supply, which is largely due to the lack of land that can be allocated for this production. Russia, which has significant areas of virtually unused land on which mineral fertilizers and pesticides have not been used for a long time, reaching 19.7 million. ha, has a significant potential for development in this direction.
At the same time, considering that a significant part of unused territories is located within the zone of risky agriculture, and also has soils with a low level of natural fertility, degraded, arid, waterlogged, etc., the actual amount of land resources that can be involved in organic agriculture is significantly less. For the most complete introduction into circulation of unused agricultural lands, it is necessary to increase the knowledge intensity and manufacturability of organic agriculture, for which research work in the following areas is highly relevant: 1) optimization of the balance of humus and nutrients in soils, 2) breeding and seed production of crops for organic agriculture, 3) development of biological products for disease and pest control, 4) development of optimal farming systems taking into account local soil and climatic conditions, 5) optimization of agricultural landscapes based on increasing the diversity of agricultural land use.
Along with the involvement of unused lands in the organic production system, the development of the industry largely depends on the system of training qualified personnel in this area, which should take into account the specifics of the technologies used, which differ significantly from traditional farming systems. To do this, it is necessary to upd ate existing professional standards, which should include generalized labor functions related to the development and implementation of organic farming technologies, as well as knowledge and skills in organizing organic production. On the basis of updated professional standards, universities should form new professional competencies and a corresponding se t of academic disciplines. The personnel training system for the industry should include various levels of training: agricultural classes, higher education, additional professional education.Keywords: organic products; land resources; biological products; organic farming system; organic farming system; clean products; chemical load