Assessment of bioremediation capacity and environmental regulation of urban soils on benz(a)pyrene pollutionMoscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2021. N 4. p.67-76read article748
Phosphorus in cultural layers and soils of urban ecosystemsMoscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2021. N 4. p.56-66read article765
Temperature sensitivity of soil organic matter decomposition and microbial functional diversity in urban parks along latitudinal gradientMoscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2021. N 4. p.47-55read article684
Urban soils of one of the new Moscow districts as sources of methane and carbon dioxide to the atmosphereMoscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2021. N 4. p.31-46read article775
Auxin-producing activity of bacteria and yeast strains isolated from the components of soil constructionsMoscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2021. N 4. p.23-30read article797
Acetic-soluble phases containing heavy metals in soils, as assessed from dynamic extractogramsMoscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2021. N 4. p.13-22read article592
A research on soils of urban areas: analysis of methodological aspects and approaches (a case study from Moscow city)Moscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2021. N 4. p.4-12read article774
On the influence of nests of gray herons on features of layers and soils in pine ecosystems of the Moscow regionMoscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2022. N 3. p.48-56read article587
Radial migration of petroleum hydrocarbons in soils of Sakhalin island based on laboratory lysimetric experimentsMoscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2021. N 3. p.70-78read article738