Forecasting the ecological state of lands in regions of the Russian Federation for sustainable developmentMoscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2023. N 2. p.63-74read article507
Evaluation of the eff ect of drugs with physiologically active properties on the antioxidant properties of potato Solanum tuberosum L. (using ascorbic acid as an example)Moscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2023. N 2. p.56-62read article520
Cadastral value diff erentiation of agrolandscapes of humid, arid and semi-arid territories of the Russian FederationMoscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2023. N 2. p.46-55read article437
History, current state and prospects of development of economic assessment of soils in Russia (review)Moscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2023. N 2. p.26-34read article701
Soil «health» indicators in soil assessment (review)Moscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2023. N 2. p.16-25read article731
Lands and soils as independent components of the environment, issues of their assessment, regulation and management (review)Moscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2023. N 2. p.5-15read article642
The theory and practice in application of methods for investigation on radionuclide speciation in soilsMoscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2023. N 1. p.68-80read article608
Spatial variability of the granulometric composition within arable fi eld on soddy-podzolic soilMoscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. p.61-67read article520
Variability of the Carbon isotope composition (13C/12C) of soils and cultural layers of geoarcheological monuments, Russian plainMoscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2023. N 1. p.46-60read article599