Elizaveta Ilyinichna Karavanova
The patterns of mineralization of organic substances from soil solutions of podzolic soilMoscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2019. 3. p.3-9read more622
The dynamics of mineralization of organic substances in soil solutions sampled by the tension lysimeters from podzolic soil has been studied. The stability of dissolved organic matter (DOM) varies with the horizon. The greatest content of resistant to biodegradation DOM (was mineralized less than 50%) was found in the upper organic horizons, down the profile it is decreased. The fraction of mineralized carbon is inversely proportional to the relative content of hydrophobic and phenolic fractions in DOM. The lowest percentage of mineralized carbon (23%) resides in the upper Elhi-horizon, where DOM is contained maximum of hydrophobic fraction (44%). In the course of oxidative transformation the degree of aromaticity of the DOM and the proportion of phenolic compounds increased (SUVA280 - by 2-12 times; phenols - 2 to 10 fold), while molecular masses decreased up to 5-5,5 kDa. These changes are manifested more intensively in solutions from the lower horizons, thus, the non-decomposable residue of this DOM is represented by substances most resistant to the decomposition.
Keywords: stability; dissolved organic matter; soil solution; tension lysimeters; mineralisation; hydrophobicity; phenolic compounds; biodegradation
Bioavailability of water-soluble organic matter from the litter of podzol pre- and post-interaction with mineral horizonsMoscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2019. 4. p.20-26read more625
The resistance to mineralization of water soluble organic matter (WSOM) extracted from a litter of Podzol is increased upon the interaction with the mineral horizons. Both the fraction of WSOM susceptible to mineralization and the average rate of decomposition decrease after the passage through E-horizon, by 2-3 times respectively, in comparison with the values obtained for the initial WSOM. Sorption in the BF horizon gives extra stability to the incoming organic matter. The relative content of mineralized carbon is reduced to 2% (by 8 times). In natural soils sorbed organic matter can be even more resistant to the mineralization, due to lower temperatures and less biological activity, so it can be considered as the basis for the formation of a humus storage. Taking into account the calculated rate of mineralization, the accumulation of the organic carbon in the BF horizon due to WSOM sorption, may range up to 13,5/100 g per year, but this value depends on the concentration of organic substances in soil solutions, hydrological regime and other factors.
Keywords: biodegradation; water-soluble organic matter; stability; mineralization; constants of mineralization; sorption; stabilization
The effect of litter composition on the characteristics of their water-soluble organic substancesMoscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2020. 2. p.17-23read more630
The composition of water-soluble organic matter (WSOM) of coniferous-deciduous, coniferous and moss litter was studied. Type of decay affects the composition of WSOM. Sphagnum litter contains less N and dissolved organic carbon (DOC), but more carbohydrates, the WSOM is characterized the lowest extinction coefficients Е254. WSOM from mixed litter with a predominance of birch litter has a maximum content of N and a small amount of soluble phenolic (SP) substances. WSOM from litter of pine needles differ from the rest with a lower content of carbohydrates, the maximum amount of SP and hydrophobic fraction. All investigated WSOM are characterized by high rates of decomposition: half-decomposition time of their stable fractions is 2-4 months. WSOM from pine litter at pH ~ 6 are absorbed by the BF horizon of Podzol, since the concentration of DOC of 100 mg/l. Substances from birch-spruce litter in similar conditions adsorbed slightly.
Keywords: DOC; soil; forest litter; vegetation; degradability; water soluble organic matter; mineralization; sorption; hygrophobicity; phenolic substances
Soil spectral databasesMoscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2021. 2. p.11-17Dmitry M. Khomyakov Elizaveta I. Karavanova Dmitriy A. Azikov Daria Al. Zhulidova Natalia P. Kirillovaread more736
Two directions of soil research digitalization were identified and discussed. The first one is the creation and maintenance of databases with the reflectance spectra in the region of 300—2500 nm for the upper soil horizons coupled with their main physico)chemical properties. The second one is the accumulation and updating of already published spectra in the visible range (400—750 nm), with the inclusion of data on all horizons of the soil profile, allowing to perform horizons diagnostics, as well as the whole profile identification. The second direction commonly uses the soil color indicators, both in international optical systems and in Russian specific indicator systems. The algorithms can be used to study openaccess global soil libraries.Keywords: soil; soil cover; ssoil profile; horizons; digital technologies; databases; spectral characteristics; soil color; CIELAB
Migration of water-soluble oil components in some soils of BashkortostanMoscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2021. 3. p.62-69read more807
The migration of the water-soluble fraction of petroleum hydrocarbons in typical soils of Bashkortostan is studied. In a lysimetric model experiment, the possibility of water migration of petroleum hydrocarbons in Fluvic Phaeozems, Haplic Phaeozems and Amphiskeletic Pantocalcic Chernozems was revealed. Among the dissolved organic substances that pass into lysimetric waters from oil-contaminated soils, the components that are not extracted by hexane, but have fluorescence in water at the wavelengths typical for petroleum products are revealed. These substances differ from soluble organic matter of background soils by higher HIX humification indices and presumably represent oxidized products of transformation of petroleum hydrocarbons. Lysimetric waters from all oil-contaminated soils are characterized by biotoxicity, regardless of the presence of non-polar petroleum hydrocarbons. The toxicity T-index positively correlates with the content of dissolved organic carbon and chloride ions that accompany soils oil pollution.
Keywords: water-soluble fraction of oil; fluorescence spectroscopy; dissolved organic matter; dissolved organic matter; oil pollution; biotoxicity; humification index HIX
Properties of water-soluble organic substances isolated from soils by centrifugation and vacuum filtration methodsMoscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2022. 1. p.26-33read more684
Water-soluble organic substances (WSOM) of sod and humus horizons of Mollic Gleysol artificially saturated to full moisture capacity were isolated by sequential centrifugation from pores with a diameter of more than and less than 30 microns. The total concentration of carbon and phenolic compounds, the absorption and fluorescence spectra of the solutions do not differ significantly, but a strong variation in the parameters (the ratio of maximum and minimum values is 415 times) indicates the heterogeneity of the composition of the extracted substances. The concentration of simple phenolic acids in solutions of large pores of the humus horizon is 48 times higher than in smaller ones, salicylic, benzoic and cinnamic acids predominate (75% of the total amount). In small pores, p-hydroxybenzoic and benzoic acids predominate (67% of the total amount). Dissolved organic matter (DOM) of soil solution of the Podzolic soil (ELBTg horizon, moisture 22%), were obtained by tension lysimeters from pores with a diameter of more and less than 14.7 microns. DOM in solutions from large pores contain more C, N, phenolic compounds and, according to the absorption spectra, have a large molecular weight and a degree of aromaticity. Organic substances from small pores are more hydrophobic and are characterized by a greater C:N ratio; these features potentially promote DOM resistance to decomposition. Predominant localization of phenolic substances in large pores is favourable for the conservation in soil since transport with water flows assist their chemical stabilization in the lower horizons as organo-mineral compounds.
Keywords: pore diameter; tension lysimeters; soil solution; Gleysols; Retisols
The content of benzoic acid in a podzolic soil and the sorption on montmorilloniteMoscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2022. 1. p.34-41Tatyana A. Sokolova Inna I. Tolpeshta Elizaveta I. Karavanova Yulia G. Izosimova Yulia A. Zavgorodnaya Nikita Al. Kotelnikovread more727
The content of benzoic acid in the water extract from the organic horizons of the podzolic soil was found to be 3,27 and 1,83 ppm in the horizons L and F, respectively, and it decreases to hundredths of ppm in the mineral horizons. It was established in an experiment, that with an increase in the benzoic acid equilibrium concentration of from 0,02 to 1,45 mmol/L, its sorption onto Ca-montmorillonite increases from 5,61 to 15,34 mmol/kg. Taking into account the content and mineralogical composition of the clay fraction, the expandable clays in the upper mineral horizons of the podzolic soil are capable to retain from 0,06 to 0,15 mmol of benzoic acid per 1 kg of soil within the same range of equilibrium concentrations. The linear equation and the Freundlich model provide the best fit to the measured data. It is assumed that, under experimental conditions, the main mechanisms of benzoic acid sorption were the cation bridging or water bridging and the electrostatic interaction of benzoate with positively charged silanol and aluminol groups on edges of montmorillonite particles. The absorption of benzoic acid in the interlayer space of the mineral wasn’t observed.Keywords: low molecular weight organic acids (LMWA); organo-mineral interactions; minerals; Retisols