The reaction of higher plants to the oil contamination of soils in the pot experimentMoscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2022. N 3. p.74-84read article890
Lanthanides affinity to carrier phases in soilsMoscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2022. N 3. p.65-73read article494
Simulation model of hourly dynamics of organic matter carbon in herbaceous vegetation communities ECOGRASSMoscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2022. N 3. p.57-64read article484
Salt neoformations in the soils of the Aral Sea dried bottomMoscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2022. N 3. p.36-47read article509
The role of zoogenic structures of large soil invertebrates in creating and maintaining heterogeneity of soil properties (review)Moscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2022. N 3. p.30-35read article512
Heterogeneity of podzolic soils: genesis, methodological and methodical aspects of the study (review)Moscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2022. N 3. p.20-29read article543
Ecotoxicity of urban dust: existing practices and perspectives for the bio assay application (review)Moscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2022. N 3. p.3-19read article667
Prospective direction of geostatistic analysis and stochastic modeling taking into account economic costs precise agricultureMoscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2022. N 2. p.59-70read article697
Heterogeneity and spatial correlation of caesium-137 distribution in forest soil at the microlandscape level in the Bryansk regionMoscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2022. N 2. p.50-58read article595
Statistical indicators of variation of soil horizons depth and thickness at the experimental station “Oroshaemaya”Moscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2022. N 2. p.38-49read article572