Anastasia Vladimirovna Khamutovskaya
Mineralization of organic matter of oil)polluted and remediated oil)polluted soils of middle taiga zone of West Siberia under laboratory conditionsMoscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2021. 2. p.51-56Sergey Ya. Trofimov Anna V. Arzamazova Mikhail M. Karpukhin Ruslan R. Kinzhaev Anastasia V. Khamutovskayaread more691
Mineralization rates of soil organic matter (SOM) decomposition of non-remediated and remediated oil)polluted, as well as background soils from the main types of West Siberian middle taiga’s ecosystems were measured in laboratory experiments. Rates of SOM mineralization were measured by alkali absorption of CO2 released from wet soil samples at 20°C (basal respiration). Because of linear character of cumulative curves of CO2 release SOM mi neralization rates were expressed by mineralization index K1 equal to the annual amount of CO2 released per 1 gramm of soil. K1 values varied in a range 0,123—1,578 mg СО2/g/day. Highest value was found in background forest soil, lowest — in oil-polluted peat soil with extremely high oil content (544 g/kg). K1 values negatively correlated (K = –0,57) with oil content. SOM mineralization rates in remediated oil)polluted peat soils varied in a range — 0,31—0,85 mg СО2/g/day
Keywords: mineralization rates of soil organic matter; absorption of CO2; remediated oil-polluted peat soils