Dmitry Mikhailovich Khomyakov

Effect of amorphous silicon dioxide of the behaviour of cadmium in the soil-rice plant systemMoscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2018. 1. p.40-45Dmitry M. Khomyakov Ekaterina P. Pakhnenko Vladimir V. Matychenkov Elena A. Bocharnikova Peng-bo Zang Xiao Weiread more602
In field trials, the effect of amorphous silicon dioxide on the behavior of Cd in the soil- plant system in low Cd-contaminated flooded paddy soil was studied. The application of amorphous SiO2 resulted in 1,3—1,8 times reduced accumulation of Cd by aboveground organs of rice and 1,8—2,6 times reduced mobile forms of Cd in the soil, which can be explained by Cd sorption on the surface of applied silica or/and the interaction between Cd and monosilicic acid formed as a result of dissolution of SiO2. Reduction in the Cd mobility was more pronounced within first 2 weeks after SiO2 application. Amorphous silica increased rice yield by 26,6% in the first season and by 72,9% in the second season. The data received evidences the possibility to decrease the conventional mineral fertilizers application rates without risk of yield reduction by using Si-rich materials. They should become an integral and important part of the implementation of the 4R-STRATEGY of fertilizer application and plant nutrition optimization.Keywords: cadmium in soil and plants; monosilicic acid; rice harvest; 4R-STRATEGY for fertilizer application and plant nutrition optimization
The evaluation of the carbon sequestration by rice roots under silicon fertilizationMoscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2019. 3. p.17-22Dan-dan Zao Peng-bo Zang Elena A. Bocharnikova Vladimir V. Matychenkov Dmitry M. Khomyakov Ekaterina P. Pakhnenkoread more636
The problem of elaboration and implementation of innovative, feasible, ecologically friendly nature-like technologies aiming at an increase in carbon (C) stock and significant reduction in greenhouse gas (GG) emission from all agricultural areas, including those under rice cultivation, is critically important. In field tests conducted in Hunan Province, China, carbon dioxide (CO2) sequestration by roots of rice plants was evaluated as influenced by silicon (Si) fertilizers. The amount of additional CO2 sequestrated was dependent on the content of plant-available Si in agrochemicals, frequency and duration of their application and granulometric composition of soil. The data obtained evidences the potential of Si fertilizers to promote the process of C sequestration and reduction in GG emission under rice cultivation. Their application provided an increase in rice yield by 12,1 to 71,2% and in the CO2 fixation by root system by 0,95 to 14,9 t ha-1 over one season. Returning C to soil and fertility reproduction could be provided via enhanced plant root system development and increased root debris after harvesting. Agrochemicals containing silicon available for plants should be included in the technology for the implementation of 4R-STRATEGY of mineral nutrition of agricultural crops.
Keywords: silicon fertilizer; rice; greenhouse gases; carbon dioxide; "green" agricultural technology
Natural-like agrochemical means In food security and soil fertilityMoscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2020. 2. p.29-36read more677
In closed soil conditions on tomato, cucumber and pepper cultures, the effectiveness of the integrated use of chicken compost, silicon fertilizer based on diatomite and the microbial preparation of the Bacillus amyloliquefasciens culture was evaluated. New technology allows you to get a crop increase of all high-quality vegetable crops. The studied agrochemical properties of gray forest medium loamy soil after harvesting did not deteriorate. In contrast to experiment options using traditional mineral fertilizers, the collected products fall under the definition of “organic” or with improved quality indicators, the so-called “green”. The resources of raw materials for the creation of nature-like innovative technologies of “green agrochemistry” are calculated. Now Russia produces about 310 million tons of organic animal waste, less than 70 million tons or 23% is used. The total content of only three plant nutrient elements (NPK) in the organic matter is 2,9 million tons of active substance. Their cost at current prices for mineral fertilizers exceeds 70 billion rubles. Perhaps the full useful use of organic resources in the system of measures for the “revitalization” of rural territories in terms of maintaining soil fertility and preventing “decarbonization”. This will reduce the negative impact of uncontrolled turnover of nitrogen and carboncontaining products on the components of the environment.
Keywords: nature-like agrotechnologies; “organic” products; “green agricultural chemistry”; gray forest soil; mineral fertilizers; compost; diatomite; microbial preparations
Soil — an essential component of the biosphere and the global food system (critical assessment of the situation)Moscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 4. p.3-16read more770
Soil is the basis of food systems at all levels. Preservation of the ecological functions of the soil cover, its condition in the territories newly introduced or withdrawn from agricultural use determines the degree and time of the onset of environmental risks, as well as risks and threats to food security.
The global value and cost of soil resources is increasing. Russia has a maximum soil cover of approximately 14,5 million km2—one sixth of the planetary. Soils, which are a unique national wealth and strategic resource, are underestimated. The volumes of applied agrochemicals are insufficient for the reproduction of fertility.
The achievement of food security indicators in the country and the export of food pro ducts occur due to non-reimbursable expenses of soil fertility reserves. There are no state documents that would clearly and unequivocally determine how many arable soils and agricultural land are needed to conduct modern agricultural production and fulfill tasks for sustain able development goals.
Keywords: soil; soil cover; food systems; “green” economy; “climate neutral” agriculture; sustainable development goals
Soil spectral databasesMoscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2021. 2. p.11-17Dmitry M. Khomyakov Elizaveta I. Karavanova Dmitriy A. Azikov Daria Al. Zhulidova Natalia P. Kirillovaread more736
Two directions of soil research digitalization were identified and discussed. The first one is the creation and maintenance of databases with the reflectance spectra in the region of 300—2500 nm for the upper soil horizons coupled with their main physico)chemical properties. The second one is the accumulation and updating of already published spectra in the visible range (400—750 nm), with the inclusion of data on all horizons of the soil profile, allowing to perform horizons diagnostics, as well as the whole profile identification. The second direction commonly uses the soil color indicators, both in international optical systems and in Russian specific indicator systems. The algorithms can be used to study openaccess global soil libraries.Keywords: soil; soil cover; ssoil profile; horizons; digital technologies; databases; spectral characteristics; soil color; CIELAB
Method for 3D soil horizonation using digital imagesMoscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2024. 1. p.5-16read more570
We created a three-dimensional (3D) model of the spatial arrangement of soil horizons with broken boundaries using digital images. This technique was tested on a Retisol — an Alfisol with a glossic horizon. Photographs were taken for 11 vertical sections (2.5 cm distance between sections) of the soil profile for an area of 30 × 45 cm. Colorimetric accuracy of the images was tested against measurements of moist soil samples made with a portable spectrophotometer. The selected best images were calibrated using an internal color calibration method for color correction. The images were combined into a common array to build a 3D optical soil horizon map using the CIELAB color space. A protocol for processing the 3D soil images was created that showed 3D soil structure. It was found that the CIELAB color coordinates can be used to distinguish and delineate AE, E, and EB horizons. We then tested the method to assess soil carbon stocks and found that the stocks using the 3D model were 28% higher than when calculated using the 2D model. We conclude that the optical 3D mapping method can accurately represent the 3D structure and can be used to quantify soil horizon variations.Keywords: digital soil morphometrics; natural lightness; soil moisture; carbon stocks; soil color; mosaic soil profile