Pyotr Alexandrovich Kozhevin

Analysis of the state of the soil microbial system under prolonged anthropogenic loadMoscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2019. 4. p.56-62read more615
The paper presents a comparative analysis of the structural and functional characteristics of the microbial communities of the gray forest soil of fallow and intensively cultivated areas. Long-term anthropogenic impact with massive annual mineral fertilization when growing a monoculture of potatoes has led to the degradation of the soil microbial system. A catastrophic decrease in the functional potential of the microbial system (environmental services) is shown using eco-exergy as a thermodynamic indicator of the “health” of the soil.
Keywords: microbial system; soil; disturbance; soil “health”; environmental services; exergy
Development and activity of VA mycorrhizal infection of Trifolium pratense L. in during succession of grasslandMoscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2021. 1. p.46-51read more655
The characteristic of symbiotic relationships is presented on the example of vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhiza in the case of Trifolium pratenseL. at different succession stages of meadow phytocenoses. It is shown that the functional potential of symbiosis changes in the course of succession and is fully revealed under conditions of an undisturbed climax community. The fundamental possibility of biological diagnostics of the state of phytocenosis using discriminant analysis according to the indices of an individual legume plant, taking into account the symbiotic potential, has been demonstrated.
Keywords: mycorrhiza; clover; plant community; succession
Soil «health» indicators in soil assessment (review)Moscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2023. 2. p.16-25read more901
The possibility of using microbiological indicators of soil «health» to assess the soils. The fundamental possibility of quantitative characterization of the functional potential of the microbial system with the assessment of «ecological services» is shown. Th ermodynamic criteria of natural microbial system (exergy and specifi c exergy) allow to carry out diagnostics of soil condition with direct estimation of degradation and damage. System characteristics of soil microbiota allow to approach the solution of many topical problems of functional soil science.Keywords: soil assessment; soil microorganisms; microbial systems; ecological exergy