Elena Vasilyevna Fedoseeva

Structure of microbe complexes in modeling of polymetallic pollution and remediation of agro-soddy-podzolic soilsMoscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2021. 1. p.38-45Vera A. Terekhova Elena V. Fedoseeva Yulia V. Belfeg Anastasia P. Kiryushina Anastasia G. Rychagova Nadezhda V. Verkhovtsevaread more723
Under the conditions of a model vegetation experiment (30 days), the responses of microbial communities of agro-soddy-podzolic soil of two sites (Chashnikovo, Moscow region) with different organic carbon content (Corg 3,86 and 1,30%) to polymetallic pollution with heavy metals (HM: Cu 660, Zn 1100, Pb 650 mg/kg) and treatment with biochar (5%) and lignohumate (0,25%) Methods of classical inoculation on Czapek agar and analysis of soil lipid profiles by gas chromatography—mass spectrometry, an assessment of the differences in abundance colony forming units (CFU), the biomass of fungi and bacteria, the diversity of cultivated fungi in humus-rich and humus-poor soil. HMs did not have a significant effect on the number of CFU and the number of cultural-morphological types of colonies, but they reduced the biomass of fungi and bacteria in both soils, while this decrease was much more pronounced in a weakly humus soil. In addition, the differences between the soils manifested themselves in a different increase in the proportion of resistant melanized forms of fungi under the influence of HM in a highly humified soil — by 25,9%, and in a weakly humified soil — by 45,7%. The sensitivity and universal significance of structural indicators as indicators of the stability of microbial complexes under chemical contamination of soils of different humus content are discussed; among the studied, the most sensitive and reliable indicators include the assessment of the proportion of melanized fungi.
Keywords: bioindication; polymetallic pollution; micromycetes; bacteria; lipid profile of soil; organic carbon; diversity of microorganisms; lignohumate; biochar
Ecotoxicity of urban dust: existing practices and perspectives for the bio assay application (review)Moscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2022. 3. p.3-19Olga V. Nikolaeva Svetlana. A. Klachkova Angelika An. Astaykina Elena V. Fedoseeva Vera A. Terekhovaread more716
Bioassay is a popular method for the ecotoxicological state assessment of various components of urban ecosystems — soils, water bodies and air. However, little is known about the potential of bioassay application to determine the ecotoxicity of urban dust — a complex heterogeneous media composed of natural and technogenic particles.
Many components of urban dust are known to pose toxic eff ects to living organisms. The aim of this article is to review the existing practices for the ecotoxicological assessment of urban dust and to identify the key trends in the development of the bioassay. The existing studies revealed a high potential of bioassay methods as they are sensitive to a wide range of pollutants present in dust; able to refl ect the dust toxicity selectively depending on environmental factors, and can be implemented using organisms of diff erent trophic levels. The following dust characteristics should be taken into account for the bioassay method proper choice: sample mass, wettability, pH, water-soluble ions and organic matter content. Due to complexity of urban dust composition and diff erent potential for the transition of its components into water extracts, it is recommended to prioritize the bioassay realized on solid dust substrates
instead of extracts. For the comprehensive assessment of dust impact on urban ecosystem, a set of organisms of different
trophic levels should be considered instead of one. Standards should be developed for dust bioassay in order to unify the results obtained by diff erent researches. Th e choice of the control sample is one of the most important
methodological questions.