Organic farming: development prospects in Russia, taking into account the international marketMoscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2024. 1. p.136-146read more573
The production of organic agriculture products has become one of the most growing areas of economic activity, with projected annual growth of 10-12%. At the same time, the demand for organic products significantly exceeds the supply, which is largely due to the lack of land that can be allocated for this production. Russia, which has significant areas of virtually unused land on which mineral fertilizers and pesticides have not been used for a long time, reaching 19.7 million. ha, has a significant potential for development in this direction.
At the same time, considering that a significant part of unused territories is located within the zone of risky agriculture, and also has soils with a low level of natural fertility, degraded, arid, waterlogged, etc., the actual amount of land resources that can be involved in organic agriculture is significantly less. For the most complete introduction into circulation of unused agricultural lands, it is necessary to increase the knowledge intensity and manufacturability of organic agriculture, for which research work in the following areas is highly relevant: 1) optimization of the balance of humus and nutrients in soils, 2) breeding and seed production of crops for organic agriculture, 3) development of biological products for disease and pest control, 4) development of optimal farming systems taking into account local soil and climatic conditions, 5) optimization of agricultural landscapes based on increasing the diversity of agricultural land use.
Along with the involvement of unused lands in the organic production system, the development of the industry largely depends on the system of training qualified personnel in this area, which should take into account the specifics of the technologies used, which differ significantly from traditional farming systems. To do this, it is necessary to upd ate existing professional standards, which should include generalized labor functions related to the development and implementation of organic farming technologies, as well as knowledge and skills in organizing organic production. On the basis of updated professional standards, universities should form new professional competencies and a corresponding se t of academic disciplines. The personnel training system for the industry should include various levels of training: agricultural classes, higher education, additional professional education.Keywords: organic products; land resources; biological products; organic farming system; organic farming system; clean products; chemical load