Anastasia Dmitrievna Galtsova
Assessment of effectiveness of different nitrogen fertilizers forms in phytoremediation on oil-contaminated typical chernozemMoscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2024. 1. p.33-41read more538
The study investigated the role of optimized nutrition and the development of a mixture of cereal grasses in oil-contaminated typical chernozem soil with a high level of pollution. The influence of different forms of nitrogen fertilizers at a moderate level of plant nitrogen supply in the presence of oil pollution was investigated using indicators that characterize the agrochemical and enzymatic properties of the soil, as well as the productivity and qualitative composition of remedial plants. Soil contamination with oil at doses of 5 g oil per g of soil and 7 g oil per g of soil had a significant negative effect on the productivity of remedial plants, manifested in a reduction in biomass and the content of major elements (NPK). It was noted that optimized nutrition with mineral fertilizers increases biomass and improves the qualitative composition of plants growing under oil pollution conditions. It was shown that the most favorable conditions for the growth and development of plants were formed when nitrate forms of nitrogen fertilizers were applied compared to ammonium and ammonium-nitrate forms in equivalent doses. A high dependence of the activity of the studied enzymes (catalase, urease, and phosphatase) on the oil content in the soil was noted. When mineral fertilizers used, the enzymatic activity of typical chernozem increases proportionally to the decrease in oil content in the soil, that indicating an intensification of oil hydrocarbon degradation processes when mineral fertilizers are applied.Keywords: oil pollution; phytoremediation; mineral fertilizers; soil enzymatic activity
Optimization of nitrogen nutrition of grasses on oil-polluted oligotrophic peat soilMoscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2024. 1. p.42-50read more515
The paper demonstrates the importance of creating optimal conditions for mineral nutrition of cereal grasses and microorganisms in oligotrophic oil polluted peat soil under remediation. To establish the effectiveness of using various forms of nitrogen fertilizers in oil pollution, changes in the agrochemical properties and enzymatic activity of the soil, the productivity of cereal grasses and the amount of DNA prokaryotes were investigated. A significant increase in the productivity of plants and the number of bacteria and archaea in oligotrophic peat soil is shown when optimizing nitrogen nutrition, especially pronounced when introducing the ammonium-nitrate form of fertilizer. There is a close relationship between catalase activity in soil and residual oil content in soil.Keywords: oil pollution; phytoremediation; mineral fertilizers; soil enzymatic activity; number of prokaryotes