Ekaterina Viktorovna Morachevskaya
A soil biodiagnostics methodology and features of some bioindication and biotesting methods (review)Moscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2023. 2. p.35-45read more860
Th e methodology for biodiagnostics of the ecological state of soils and other environmental objects involves the use
of two approaches: bioindicative observations in situ and biotesting of samples, carried out according to standard methods in controlled laboratory conditions ex situ. An integrated assessment of soils on an interdisciplinary basis in accordance with the international standard ISO19204-2017 makes it possible to diagnose of soils “health” based
on biotic parameters in the course of natural environmental observations, ecotoxicity indicators, which are supplemented
by the results of quantitative chemical analysis (TRIAD methodology). For soils, indicators of the state of higher plants and microbial communities, especially in agroecosystems, are of paramount importance. The article analyzes the advantages and limitations of well-known methods of phytoindication, laboratory phytotesting, soil
respiration, structural and functional indicators of microbiota diversity and bacterial biosensors. Th e responses of living systems to the same pollutant content largely depend on the carbon content of organic matter. The existing regulatory framework for the ecological assessment of the biological state of soil ecosystems practically does not take into account this, as well as the level of mineralization and pH of the analyzed objects. For an adequate assessment of the ecological quality of soils, it is proposed to improve the methods of measuring toxicity by more targeted recommendations for application (for example, for certain gradations of humus content, mineralization, pH).Keywords: TRIAD methodology; ecotoxicological assessment; higher plants; microorganisms; biodiversity; soil respiration