Julia Alexandrovna Kryukova
Comparative description of soils and vegetative cover of tombolos on the costs of the White and Baltic seasMoscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2023. 1. p.3-15read more787
We studied the soils and vegetation cover of tombolo – bridges between the mainland and small islands on the coasts of the White and Baltic Seas. Tombolo are characterized by complex dynamics of sedimentation that determines a high level of heterogeneity of soils and associated vegetation cover. At the Kolezhma plot on the White Sea coast, ground- and surface-gley marsh soils are formed. Vegetation corresponds to marsh meadows of the lower and middle levels, and varies depending on salinity, acidity level and soil texture. At the Gakkovo plot on the Baltic Sea coast, soils are characterized by greater uniformity; in general, they have a sandy texture. The influence of the Baltic Sea on the soil and vegetation cover is significantly lower than that of the White Sea due to the weakly pronounced tidal dynamics of the Baltic Sea.
Keywords: tidal zone; marsh meadows; thalassogenic sediments; marsh soils; Gleysols; Stagnosols; Histosols; Arenosols
Mineralogical composition of the clay fraction of marsh soils of the Pomorsky coast of the White SeaMoscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2025. 1. p.27-37read more37
The mineralogical composition of the silt fraction of marshes soils on the tombolo, a bridge between the mainland and a small island on the Pomorsky coast of the White Sea, has been studied. The soils on different parts of the marshes are characterized by different sequences of sediments and soil horizons embedded in them. Mica minerals (“illites”), kaolinite, chlorite and mixed-layer illite-vermiculite and chlorite-smectite were present in the silt fraction of all soils. Variation of mineralogical composition of clays was noted both between soil horizons and between the studied profiles. In our opinion, the variation is determined both by sediment composition and soil weathering of minerals, which confirms the idea of T.A. Sokolova about the complex character of formation of mineralogical composition of clays in soils on sediments re-deposited by water. The main weathering process in marsh soils was the degradation transformation of chlorite and, possibly, mica with the formation of smectite packages. These processes are spatially associated with the aeration zones of the marsh soils, at least periodically under oxidative regime.Keywords: clay mineralogy; synlithogenic soils; taiga zone soils; illite; smectite; mixed-layer minerals