Anatoly Alexandrovich Saveliev

Heterogeneity and spatial correlation of caesium-137 distribution in forest soil at the microlandscape level in the Bryansk regionMoscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2022. 2. p.50-58read more633
The regularities of the spatial distribution of 137Cs in forest soil at the microlandscape level in semiromophic and hydromorphic conditions in the Bryansk region at different measurement steps with the KORAD radiometer (10, 2 and 0,5 m) are investigated. The variability of the 137Cs stock obtained by two devices differing in the size of the sampling area (RPO) is compared: 1) CORAD radiometer 2) sampler D=14 cm. The ratio of the variability of the 137Cs distribution obtained by field radiometry to the sampling data (CVcorad/CV sample) for the entire site is 0,63; for the hydromorphic part, B1-1 is 0,87. For the entire site (size 50x80 m), a weak spatial correlation was revealed (the effect of a "chessboard"), for a local hydromorphic site, a strong correlation with a rank of 1,4 m.
Keywords: cesium-137; soil heterogeneity; geostatistics; microlandscape; support
Digital modeling of lateral water fl ows and caesium-137 at the microlandscape level in semi-hydromorphic soils of the Bryansk regionMoscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2024. 4. p.51-61read more169
A significant role in the movement of water in the soil profile belongs to the preferential vertical water flows, while less attention is paid to the study of lateral flows. We propose a method for studying lateral moisture flows at the microlandscape level using 137Cs of “Chernobyl” origin. For GIS modeling of lateral transport, the hydrological attributes of the microrelief were used, based on a digital relief model (DEM) at a scale of 1:200 with a horizontal section of 20 cm. The Catchment Areas, the Overland Flow Distance, the ephemeral Tricle Network (Strahler Order),
as well as the topographic humidity index (TWI) qualitatively characterize the intensity of soil moisture, as well as lateral flows at the microlandscape level. Th e idea of “preferential lateral flows” introduced by analogy with vertical “preferential moisture flows”. Due to the spatial features of the structure of the nano- and microrelief, lateral transfer forms ephemeral patterns with different humidification modes: “finger-like”, filamentous, and others. A weak level of lateral migration of 137Cs was revealed depending on DEM derivatives.Keywords: digital-soil modeling; radionuclides; preferential water flows; microrelief