Evgeny Nikitich Kubarev
Soil Science Faculty
Features of biogeochemical processes of soils in urban conditions based on the study of ecosystems of Large lysimeters of the soil stationary of MSUMoscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2021. 3. p.21-31Lev G. Bogatyrev Nikolay I. Zhilin Mikhail M. Karpukhin Tatyana V. Prokofieva Anna I. Benediktova Philip I. Zemskov Alexander N. Vartanov Irina O. Plekhanova Nikolai An. Shnyrev Vladimir V. Demin Gleb Ruslanovich Glazman Evgeny N. Kubarevread more749
The functioning of stationary soil lysimeters is determined by a limited volume of soil in both horizontal and vertical directions. The areal spatial limitation and the proximity of phytocenoses to each other in the large lysimeters at the
Moscow State University Soil Station determines the interbiogeocenotic exchange of plant litter, while the vertical
one excludes the role of groundwater and their influence on soil formation. The absence of lateral runoff, which is
common in natural landscapes, and the increased supply of alkaline earth elements with atmospheric precipitation
and dust, reduces the manifestation of the eluvial-illuvial process. Comparison of lysimetric waters in 1967–1968
and 2014–2015 showed a significant increase over time in the concentration of elements such as calcium, sodium,
magnesium and potassium, and among the anions chloride and sulfate ions. The local spatial geochemical contrast
of lysimetric waters caused by the effect of anti-icing agents, however, does not change the relative migration ability
of elements. According to the level of biogeochemical accumulation of elements in the soil, macroelements form
a series of Ca > K > Al > Mg > Na, and trace elements — Zn > Sr > Cu > Ba, while maintaining the same type on all
types of lysimeters. An increase in the concentration of elements in the soil occurs in the following order: broad
leaf > spruce > mixed > pure fallow. The increased accumulation of elements in the soil profile of spruce forests in
comparison with mixed plantations correlates with the type of humus forming here, which is close to the moder
type, which is due to the combination of coniferous and deciduous litter.Keywords: biogeochemistry; primary soil formation; macroelements; microelements; deicing agents; atmospheric precipitation
Evaluation of the eff ect of drugs with physiologically active properties on the antioxidant properties of potato Solanum tuberosum L. (using ascorbic acid as an example)Moscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2023. 2. p.56-62read more549
The paper discusses the problem of reducing the content of ascorbic acid (as a plant-protective antioxidant compound in Solanum tuberosum L. potato tubers) while improving the nutritional regime — the use of complete mineral fertilizer in low doses, humidity and temperature conditions and physiologically optimal for potato growth pH values (weakly alkaline). The possibilities of using exogenous antioxidants (humic preparations) to maintain the level of ascorbic acid in commercial products are considered. Experimental data were obtained in fi eld studies on two types of soils and in two climatic regions (Voronezh and Moscow regions). It has been shown that humic preparations can maintain the level of ascorbic acid as an independent top dressing, and against the background of full mineral fertilizer with an increase in yield.Keywords: vitamin C; humic preparations; antioxidant activity
The main directions of scientific research at the departament of erosion and soilprotection: current state and prospects of developmentMoscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2023. 4. p.70-82Oleg A. Makarov Mikhail S. Kuznetsov Valery V. Demidov Dina V. Karpova Pavel S. Shulga Dina R. Abdulkhanova Elena N. Yesafova Evgeny N. Kubarevread more447
The Department of Erosion and Soil Protection has developed the main scientific directions – «Assessment of ero- sion processes in soils of various bioclimatic zones», «Study of the basics of sustainable land use» and «Ecological and economic assessment of soil and land degradation». It is proposed to develop both existing areas of scientific research with a certain adjustment of their names and problems («Analysis and modeling of erosion processes in soils, including in the context of climate change», «Development of the concept of sustainable land use in the context of food security», «Ecology, economics and socio-demographic features of land use in the context of climate change and soil degradation»), as well as new directions that have some research history at the department — «Development of principles of soil protection», «Development of methodological foundations of land reclamation». The necessity of creating a holistic concept of soil protection is considered in particular detail. This concept should include both the formulation of legal (legislative and regulatory-methodological) principles of soil protection, and the definition of criteria for assessing soils under which their protection can be carried out, and the development of soil protection systems (first of all, from the manifestation of erosion processes) in various bioclimatic and administrative-territorial conditions.Keywords: soil erosion; sustainable land use; ecological and economic assessment; soil degradation; land reclamation
Economic assessment of eroded soils: current state and development prospectsMoscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2024. 3. p.7-18Oleg A. Makarov Valery V. Demidov Dina V. Karpova Pavel S. Shulga Dina R. Abdulkhanova Elena N. Yesafova Evgeny N. Kubarev Victor Il. Mikhailovskyread more386
Summary Soil erosion as one of the types of land degradation aff ects various economic interests of people. It is shown that the most promising areas of erosion studies, where economic methods can be applied, are — assessment of actual damage fr om soil erosion, determination of the magnitude of probable damage from the occurrence of erosion
processes in soils, economic analysis in the development of sustainable land use systems for territories whose soils are subject to erosion. Th e group of methods for determining economic damage is characterized by the greatest development, including taking into account ecosystem services that soils «lose» as a result of erosion processes. Methods for assessing the risk of soil erosion have signifi cant development potential, since by now a powerful database of predictive models and equations (USLE, RUSLE, RUSLE2, WEPP, EUROSE, CREAMS, EPIC, VNIIZiZPE, etc.) has been created, allowing to assess indicators of soil erosion in the future. Th e neoclassical theory of capital is used in the development of sustainable land use systems, which requires that the fertility of the soil and the net social benefits from non-market goods and services from agricultural land should be maintained over time. Th us, it is possible to
create compensatory taxation mechanisms for territories wh ere soil erosion processes occur.Keywords: soil erosion; soil protection; damage; risk; economic and ecological-economic methods; sustainable land use