Victoria Nikolaevna Kolupaeva

Victoria N. Kolupaeva
State Scientific Institution "All-Russian Research Institute of Phytopathology"
Long- term research on physical properties of soils in the MSU Large lysimeters: main results of the first 60 years (1961–2021)Moscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2021. 3. p.4-20Aminat B. Umarova Tatiana A. Arkhangelskaia Anna Al. Kokoreva Zakhar S. Ezhelev Nikolai An. Shnyrev Victoria N. Kolupaeva Tatiana V. Ivanova Konstantin V. Shishkinread more838
The results of 60-year research on physical properties of soils in the MSU large lysimeters are discussed. The
questions under study were the elements of soil water balance, soil evolution, soil temperature regime, and transport of various substances in soil profile. The long-term changes in soil texture, soil mineralogy, and organic carbon content were observed. It was shown that the horizon sequence in soil profile affects the intensity of drainage flux and its stabilization in the long-term aspect. It was also found that the amount of the transit transfer of substances in different soil profiles depended both on profile structure and upper boundary conditions.Keywords: drainage flux; layered soils; types of meliorative soil cultivation; water balance; preferential flow; temperature regime; soil evolution; soil profile structure; pesticides