Gennadiy Pavlovich Glazunov
Research and forecast of microelemental composition of soils under model phytocenoses in soil lysimetersMoscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2018. 1. p.32-39read more591
The theoretical equation, based on the trace elements concentration in the soil as a function of depth and time, was deduced and tested on the experimental data on long-term dynamics of some heavy metals (copper, nickel, manganese) in soils of Moscow State University lysimeters under different types of vegetation.
Keywords: microelements; heavy metals; air pollution; soil pollution forecasting
Modeling of dynamics of Cu, Ni and Mn compounds in the soil profile under artificial phytocenoses of MSU soil lysimetersMoscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2021. 3. p.32-37read more689
The theoretical equation of the concentration of trace element compounds entering the soil with atmospheric precipitation as a function of depth and time is tested on the example of data on the long-term dynamics (1965, 1995, 2006, and 2013) of Cu, Ni and Mn compounds in the soil profile under artificial phytocenoses of the MSU soil lysimeters. The obtained results indicate the possibility of using an analytical model for predicting the content of heavy metals in the soil profile.
Keywords: mathematical models; heavy metals; atmospheric pollution; pollution forecast