Maria Vitalievna Evdokimova
Research and forecast of microelemental composition of soils under model phytocenoses in soil lysimetersMoscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2018. 1. p.32-39read more591
The theoretical equation, based on the trace elements concentration in the soil as a function of depth and time, was deduced and tested on the experimental data on long-term dynamics of some heavy metals (copper, nickel, manganese) in soils of Moscow State University lysimeters under different types of vegetation.
Keywords: microelements; heavy metals; air pollution; soil pollution forecasting
Modeling of dynamics of Cu, Ni and Mn compounds in the soil profile under artificial phytocenoses of MSU soil lysimetersMoscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2021. 3. p.32-37read more689
The theoretical equation of the concentration of trace element compounds entering the soil with atmospheric precipitation as a function of depth and time is tested on the example of data on the long-term dynamics (1965, 1995, 2006, and 2013) of Cu, Ni and Mn compounds in the soil profile under artificial phytocenoses of the MSU soil lysimeters. The obtained results indicate the possibility of using an analytical model for predicting the content of heavy metals in the soil profile.
Keywords: mathematical models; heavy metals; atmospheric pollution; pollution forecast
Environmental assessment of soil and vegetation state in the vicinity of a mining and processing plant of the basis of Earth remotesensing dataMoscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2023. 1. p.25-35read more652
Spatial and temporal variability of the vegetation index were investigated in the vicinity of the anthropogenic source of heavy metals. The analysis of the special points of the theoretical equation of the dependence of the concentration of photosynthetically active biomass on the resulting concentration of pollutants in the soil revealed the maximum permissible concentration of heavy metals in the soil. The results of its determination in the northern forest-steppe under the current level of anthropogenic pressure, according to MODIS materials, amounted to 12,3, according to Sentinel-2 — 12,5 mg/kg, respectively. A method for generalizing the macrokinetic patterns of the response of the living organisms to anthropogenic impact is proposed. The results of the environmental risk assessment showed that the probability of exceeding the threshold concentration is 74%.
Based on the five-level quality scale and the indicator of soil state, the quality of soils and vegetation cover was ranked. The areas of the same resistance of soils and vegetation to the action of pollutants in the plant impact zone were mapped. Territories near the plant mostly correspond to the I and II categories of soil quality. The natural protection zone of the enterprise is allocated, and background territories are defined.
Keywords: MODIS; Sentinel-2; NDVI; environmental monitoring; environmental assessment; MPC; seasonal dynamics of photosynthetically active biomass
Forecasting the ecological state of lands in regions of the Russian Federation for sustainable developmentMoscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2023. 2. p.63-74read more579
An electronic raster map of the ecological state of lands of Russian regions was prepared for the reference period from 2001 to 2020 based on the characteristics of the primary photosynthesis products derived from Earth remote sensing materials from space in the form of indicators of «productivity», land ransformation and dynamics of organic matter content in the soil and their generalizing indicator of sustainable development goals — SDG 15.3.1. Land degradation indicator. Th e calculation shows that 2.2 million square kilometers, which constitutes 13% of the territory of Russian Federation, belong to the category of degraded by the end of 2020. 45% of the territory is occupied by land from the stable category, which has not changed over the past 19 years. 41% of the territory belongs to the lands that have improved during the reference period. A statistically reliable nonlinear regular relationship of the indicator of the ecological state of lands of Russian Federation was established in the form of an indicator of the share of non-degraded lands, considering the share of non-established lands with the amount of specific emissions of pollutants into the atmospheric air from stationary sources located on the territory of the subject. The threshold value of specifi c emissions from stationary sources at the level of the subject of Russian Federation was established, amounting to 1610 kg per sq. km. Th e probability of exceeding the threshold value of specifi c emissions is 37%. The risk of increasing land degradation with an increase in emissions is typical for 36% of territorial units of Russian Federation.Keywords: land degradation; mathematical modeling; analysis of Earth remote sensing data; vegetation index; risk assessment
The prospects for environmental assessment, regulation and quality management of soils and landsMoscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2023. 4. p.55-62Alexander S. Yakovlev Maria V. Evdokimova Vera A. Terekhova Irina O. Plekhanova Maxim V. Dabakhov George G. Omel’yanyuk Anastasia S.Gorlenko Natalia V. Kopelchukread more692
The most promising areas of ecological assessment, regulation and quality management of soils and lands are: the study of their ecological functions and the role of the anthropogenic factors in the formation of the natural complex of lands that has developed within land plots, taking into account natural conditions, the type of land use and the relationship with natural environments; study of natural connections between the soil cover and subsurface geological layers; determination of permissible changes in soil quality during oil pollution, forest and peat harvesting taking into account the prospects of natural self-restoration of landscapes; the study of direct and inverse relationships of soils, aquatic environments and amphibian landscapes in conditions of land pollution; identification of the func- tional relationship between the state of soils and the quality of atmospheric air; study of aspects of contact of soils and other components of the environment with waste. The analysis of the existing legal norms aimed at protecting soils as a component of the environment allowed us to conclude that the structure of environmental legislation is incomplete, within the framework of which, among the existing federal laws regulating the protection of environ- mental components, a Law on Soil Protection needs to be developed.Keywords: ecological state; soils’ ecological functions; lands’ ecological functions; soil pollution; remote sensing; atmospheric air; flora and fauna; subsoil; aquatic environments; waste; land use
Environmental assessment of soil state in the impact zone of the Sredneuralsky copper smelterMoscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2024. 2. p.84-94read more526
As part of the study of the ecological state of soils and vegetation in the zone of impact of the Sredneuralsky Copper Smelter (SUMZ), the following tasks were solved: the content of heavy metals in the soils of the test sites laid within the zone of impact of the SUMZ was determined; macrokinetic patterns of seasonal dynamics of the normalized relative vegetation index (NDVI) at the test sites in the zone of impact of the SUMZ were revealed; macrokinetic patterns of vegetation response in the form of NDVI, calculated according to MODIS and Landsat 8 data, to soil pollution by a complex of heavy metals in the zone of impact of the SUMZ were revealed; soil quality was ranked according to the patterns of vegetation response in the form of NDVI to soil pollution by a complex of heavy metals within the boundaries of the natural protection zone (NZZ) of the SUMZ according to 2023.
The intra-seasonal dynamics of photosynthetically active biomass in the form of NDVI was modeled using a theoretical growth equation based on MODIS satellite data. The seasonal maximum of the vegetation index at the trial sites in 2012 fell on the 25‒28 week. In 2023, it occurred on the 27‒33 week, depending on the location of the sampling point. The rate of maximum achievement is characterized by weak intra-seasonal and interannual variation.
The patterns of changes in the concentration of photosynthetically active biomass in the form of maximum NDVI for the 2023 season in response to the gross content of a complex of heavy metals (Cu, Pb, Cd and Zn) in the soil of the test sites were modeled using the theoretical equation of dose dependence. The maximum permissible level of the heavy metal complex in the soil in the form of a geometric mean, which does not cause a decrease in the values of the vegetation index calculated according to the data of the MODIS and Landsat 8 satellites, was 101 and 106 mg×kg-1, respectively.
The analysis of histograms of the distribution of NDVI values within the NZZ was carried out, which showed how the true frequencies of occurrence of the values of the vegetation index correspond to the empirical boundary of the NZZ associated with the maximum dose dependence point identified by the study of the 2012. The nature of the distribution of true NDVI values for the NZZ exclusively fully supports the used zoning theory based on the analysis of dose dependence. The modern boundaries of the SUMZ natural protection zone are 4‒7 km away from the center of the sanitary protection zone.
Keywords: MODIS; Landsat 8; NDVI; environmental control; ecological regulation; MPC; ecological zones
Environmental assessment and soil quality regulation in the impact zone of coal mining and processing facilitiesMoscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2024. 4. p.92-104read more187
The main purpose of the work was to verify the applicability of the approach to assessing the ecological state of soils and the theoretical model of the response of a living being in the form of a vegetation index to the impact of a complex of heavy metals in the zone of impact of coal mining and processing facilities in the conditions of the Far Eastern taiga-forest soil-bioclimatic region. The research was carried out in conjunction with a geochemical assessment of natural environments, which made it possible to consider the size of the impact zones of coal mining and processing facilities on the territory of the emission quota experiment conducted by the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation. Th e inventory of emission sources allowed us to identify several priority areas: the main industrial site, an industrial boiler house, an integrated industrial site, two coal mines, etc. According to the results of the summary calculations of the dispersion of pollutants, the following priority pollutants were identified: carbon (soot), inorganic and coal dust. The determination of soil and snow pollution levels made it possible to identify the localization of technogenic anomalies of heavy metals, as well as to determine the dust load on the studied area. The soil cover is characterized by a low level of pollution in terms of the total pollution index, however, the accumulation of trace elements in the surface layer of soils is typical for most of the studied metals and metalloids, as evidenced by concentration coefficients > 1. Centers of snow cover pollution have been identified, confined to the residential area. Areas with very high levels of snow pollution are located near municipal boiler houses. Based on a theoretical model of the response of a living in the form of a vegetation index to the effect of a complex of heavy metals of a certain set contained in the soils of the vicinity of a coal mining and processing enterprise, maximum permissible levels of their content have been established. The boundaries of the zone of influence of the main structural divisions of the coal mining enterprise, beyond which the territories of the natural and anthropogenic background are distributed, are determined. The soils in the vicinity of coal mining and processing facilities are characterized mainly by a background (undisturbed) condition or are poorly degraded, thus no harm has been done to the soils.Keywords: Sentinel-2; NDVI; aerotechnogenic impact; environmental regulation; environmental geochemistry; emission quotas; background values; ecological zones