Maria MikhailovnaGodyaeva

Cesium-137 Root Uptake by Oat and Lettuce Test Crops from Radioactively Contaminated Chernozem under Model Experiment ConditionsMoscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2018. 1. p.23-31Tatyana A. Paramonova Natalia V. Kuzmenkova Galina I. Agapkina Maria M. Godyaeva Vladimir R. Belyaev Maxim M. Ivanovread more596
The features of cesium-137 (137Cs) root uptake by spring oat (Avena sativa L.) and lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) plants have been studied in a model experiment with simulation of radionuclide fallout into undisturbed monoliths of arable chernozems from the Plavsk radioactive spot. An integrated approach using digital autoradiography and γ-spectrometry methods has revealed a uniform pattern of vertical and lateral 137Cs distribution in the soil profile and low bioavailability of the radionuclide or root uptake by plants. Certain biological features of the test crops with respect to root uptake of 137Cs have been demonstrated: limited translocation of the element into shoots via its relative accumulation in roots for oats and limitation of general root uptake of 137Cs into plants, given its uniform distribution between roots and shoots for lettuce.
Keywords: cesium-137 (137Cs) ; radioactive contamination ; soil–plant system ; transfer factor ; digital autoradiography; γ-spectrometry