Marina Sergeevna Rozanova
Environmental toxicity assessment of roadside topsoils across Leningradskoe highway using laboratory phytotestMoscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2019. 1. p.28-34read more787
Environmental toxicity assessment of roadside soils across Leningradskoe highway in Moscow region was carried out by rapid laboratory phytotest using two test cultures. The toxicity of soils was determined based on growth parameters inhibition of Lepidium sativum L. (cress) and Hordeum vulgare L. (rye). Topsoils (0-3 cm depth) were examined at the distance up to 300 m from the road pavement. Soil toxicity was determined on the most part of the studied territory and was characterized with bimodal distribution: it was maximal at the distance of several meters from the highway (highly toxic soils), sharply decreased at a distance of 7 m from it and gradually increased again towards the end of the studied zone (moderately toxic soils). The degree of phytotoxicity differentiated depending on the test culture variant: H. vulgare was characterized by a lower sensitivity to pollutants and did not reveal toxicity in the area of 7-25 m from the Leningradskoe highway, while L. sativum revealed the toxicity of soils all over the investigated territory. Among test parameters analyzed, the root length and length of the seedlings showed the greatest sensitivity to pollutants, while seed germination was not informative.
Keywords: environmental toxicity assessment; phytotes; toxicity; rye; cress; root length; seedling length; seed germination; highway; roadside territory; soil; oil products; chlorides
On the influence of nests of gray herons on features of layers and soils in pine ecosystems of the Moscow regionMoscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2022. 3. p.48-56Lev G. Bogatyrev Valeria M. Telesnina Anna I. Benediktova Marina S. Rozanova Daniil V. Davydov Mikhail M. Karpukhin Grigory S. Eremkinread more772
Th e features of soils and litters, formed in pine ecosystems of the Moscow region, within the nesting grounds of
gray herons, have been established. It is shown that, in densely located herons’ nesting sites, in comparison with
the control plots, the total trophicity of ecosystems sharply increases, which is manifested in a wide distribution of
species characterized by high demands on the nutrient regime of soils. Th is is confi rmed by the increased content
of water-soluble forms of phosphorus, nitrates, sulfates, potassium, magnesium and calcium in the soils within the
nests of gray herons. On the contrary, the soils in the control plots are characterized by the usual content of the
main components characteristic of the soils of the zone of coniferous-deciduous forests. Taking into account the low
mobility of phosphorus and its probable fi xation in the composition of immobile complexes, it has been suggested
that the increased content of this element in soils under the conditions of the spread of soddy-podzolic soils, if the
role of anthropogenesis is excluded, may serve as an indicator of the former infl uence of ornithogenic ecosystems.Keywords: coniferous-deciduous forests; ornithogenic ecosystems; phosphorus; nitrates; trophicity