Tatyana Aleksandrovna Zubkova
the Department of Soil Physics and Reclamation, Faculty of Soil Science
New methodological approach of studying sorbents in the soils polluted by heavy metalsMoscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2019. 3. p.31-36read more664
The application of the express method of indirect evaluation of the mobility of heavy metals by the index of specific electrical conductivity of soil in model experiments with given parameters and homogeneity is proposed. It was established that the electrical conductivity indices obtained with a direct measurement of the electric resistance of the soil are closely correlated with the data of the instrumental method of quantitative element analysis. The maximum efficiency of the sorbent is shown in relation to cadmium, the degree of absorption reaches 61,6% with the component composition of sorbent 1:3 (sapropel to lime). For plumbum, the effective composition of the sorbent at the ratio of sapropel and lime is 1:1 - 14,3% sorbed ions, for zinc, with a ratio of the ingredients 1:5 is 6,4%.
Keywords: electric conductivity of soils; sorbent; sapropel; heavy metals; immobilization