Lyubov Vladimirovna Romanova
Ecological state of soils and tree vegetation in urban park-recreational landscapes (the case of the Catherine park of Moscow)Moscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2019. 4. p.11-19read more744
The influence of anthropogenic activity on the quality of urban alluvial soils, the conditions of growth and the state of tree plantations is estimated. The level of negative consequences for natural components correlates with the degree of human exposure. In the profile of soils moisture decreases, humus content varies in different directions, pH of waters and electrical conductivity increase. Densification of soils and inhibition of biological activity are noted in the surface horizons. The coefficient of the ecological state of soils decreases by 6-24% compared to the optimum conditions. The correlation analysis showed the presence of a significant weak matching between vegetation state and soil quality (Spearman's coefficient is -0,53).
Keywords: urbanized territories; urban parks; wood vegetation; soil properties; ecological state of soils