Elena Gennadyevna Kulikova
Features of the mineralogical composition of coarse fractions and their correlation with the genesis and properties of MSU's Zvenigorod biostation’s soilsMoscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2020. 1. p.30-37read more606
The study of the mineralogical composition of sand (0,25-0,05 mm) and coarse silt (0,05-0,01 mm) fractions revealed a significant lithological heterogeneity of soil forming material on the territory of the Zvenigorod biostation. The predominance of ore minerals in the heavy fractions (up to 42% of the grains) and, to a lesser extent, hornblende and biotite, explains the ironing (significant presence of iron oxides, hydroxides) of the profiles and the brown color of sandy loam soils. This feature, along with the insignificant presence of the clay fraction, admit us to classify texturally undifferentiated soils as ferric-metamorphic soils, and more differentiated - as eluvial soils.
Keywords: weakly differentiated soils; coarse fraction minerals; metamorphic ironing