Yulia Anatolyevna Zavgorodnaya
Long-term dynamics of snow depth and snow composition in terms of the geochemical landscape of the upper reaches of the river KlyazmaMoscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2019. 4. p.27-36Lev G. Bogatyrev Nikolay I. Zhilin Philip I. Zemskov Mikhail M. Karpukhin Anna I. Benediktova Alexander N. Vartanov Yulia A. Zavgorodnaya Vladimir V. Deminread more714
We discuss the dynamics of the snow cover and its composition for the period 2013-2018 is shown that the annual dynamics of the snow cover is characterized by the alternation of high and low values. Thus, the highest values were typical for the winter of 2012/2013, followed by a decrease in 2013/2014. The leading role in the distribution of snow cover belongs to the position of the elementary landscape within the geochemical landscape. In all years of research, the water equivalent of snow cover is characterized by bicarbonate-calcium composition. The content of micro components in General is in the same order with the results given for the South taiga landscapes. Some excess of individual components in the composition of snow water in comparison with Meshchersk and Baikal landscapes, taken as a background, due to the proximity of the studied geochemical landscape and the main road M-10 (Moscow-St. Petersburg). It is assumed that the relatively high content of calcium in the snow water of the superaqueous landscape is associated with its possible arrival from the surface of meadowmarsh carbonate soils, boiling from the surface. Sulfate ion has been found to play a leading role in the diagnosis of atmogeochemical pollution, which is partially established for the studied landscapes.
Keywords: snow depth; chemical composition of snow cover; distribution of snow cover; geochemical landscape
The influence of gray heron (Ardea cinerea L.) Nesting places on the nature of litter and soil changes in the broad-leaved forest of Tula regionMoscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2020. 1. p.23-29Lev G. Bogatyrev Anna I. Benediktova Philip I. Zemskov Alexander N. Vartanov Daniil V. Davydov Mikhail M. Karpukhin Yulia A. Zavgorodnaya Vladimir V. Deminread more682
The composition of water extracts of the soil, litter and land litter was studied for the conditions of the nesting places of the gray heron and the control plots in the zone of distribution of gray forest soils of the broad-leaved ecosystems of the Tula area. It has been established that the entry of bird excreta leads to an almost universal degradation of land cover, the formation of specific litters, with a significant influx of large tree litter, which is associated with the nest building process. It is shown that the upper horizons of gray forest soil, litter and litter in nesting conditions are characterized by an increased content of such elements as calcium, potassium and magnesium, and among trace elements - copper, zinc and strontium. Among the anions in the soils and litters of bird nesting sites, an increase in the content of nitrates, phosphates and chlorine was found.
Keywords: deciduous forests; nesting sites; herons; soil; Utter; excreta; macronutrients; trace elements
The content of benzoic acid in a podzolic soil and the sorption on montmorilloniteMoscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2022. 1. p.34-41Tatyana A. Sokolova Inna I. Tolpeshta Elizaveta I. Karavanova Yulia G. Izosimova Yulia A. Zavgorodnaya Nikita Al. Kotelnikovread more731
The content of benzoic acid in the water extract from the organic horizons of the podzolic soil was found to be 3,27 and 1,83 ppm in the horizons L and F, respectively, and it decreases to hundredths of ppm in the mineral horizons. It was established in an experiment, that with an increase in the benzoic acid equilibrium concentration of from 0,02 to 1,45 mmol/L, its sorption onto Ca-montmorillonite increases from 5,61 to 15,34 mmol/kg. Taking into account the content and mineralogical composition of the clay fraction, the expandable clays in the upper mineral horizons of the podzolic soil are capable to retain from 0,06 to 0,15 mmol of benzoic acid per 1 kg of soil within the same range of equilibrium concentrations. The linear equation and the Freundlich model provide the best fit to the measured data. It is assumed that, under experimental conditions, the main mechanisms of benzoic acid sorption were the cation bridging or water bridging and the electrostatic interaction of benzoate with positively charged silanol and aluminol groups on edges of montmorillonite particles. The absorption of benzoic acid in the interlayer space of the mineral wasn’t observed.Keywords: low molecular weight organic acids (LMWA); organo-mineral interactions; minerals; Retisols