Anastasia Gennadyevna Shmatova

Podzols in Russia: geography of some propertiesMoscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2020. 1. p.11-22read more691
The properties of representative soil profiles of podzols included in the database of the Unified State Register of Soil Resources of Russia are considered. As a result of processing and analysis of the data array (53 measured profiles), the ranges of values of a number of parameters were adjusted. It was found that in most cases the properties of podzols had a wider range of values compared with the estimated profiles given in the literature (thickness of illuvial horizon, humus content in eluvial horizon), at the same time, the range of values of the humus content for the illuvial horizon was narrower. The specificity of the podzols of individual regions obtained by combining of soil provinces of the Map of soil-ecological zoning is revealed. Regularities can be traced in the geography of the profile thickness of these soils, the content of humus and its profile distribution. In Siberian regions humus prevails in the eluvial soil horizon, in the European territory of the country and in Primorye - in the illuvial horizon.
Keywords: illuvial-ferruginous podzols (Podzols Rustic); illuvial-humic podzols (Podzols Carbic); soil geography; GIS analysis methods; the Unified State Register of Soil Resources of Russia