Lyudmila Vyacheslavovna Lysak
Taxonomic structure of bacterial communities of rhizospheric soil under bog plantsMoscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2020. 2. p.45-52read more691
For the first time, the ratio of large taxa and the genera spectrum in the prokaryotic complex of the rhizosphere soil under typical plants of bogs were revealed by high-performance sequencing. The dominance of acidobatheria and alpha-proteobacteria was established with a low proportion of other taxa (less than 10%). Among the 24 bacterial genera found, representatives of the phylums Acidobacteria and Actinobacteria, as well as the Alphaproteobacteria class, predominate. Common bacterial genera were identified in rhizosphere soil under plants and surface layers of peat. Representatives of most of these bacteria are adapted to grow in an acidic environment and at low temperatures. Their functioning is determined by the use of various sugars, polysaccharides, aromatic compounds, organic and amino acids. Bacteria of the genera Cytophaga and Acidothermus are capable of cellulose destruction, Occallatibacter - chitin, Nocardia - humic substances and lignin.
Keywords: bogs; plants; rhizospheric soil; bacterial communities; phylums; spectrum of genera; bacterial functions; high-performance pyrosequencing; metabarcoding of gen 16S rRNA
Auxin-producing activity of bacteria and yeast strains isolated from the components of soil constructionsMoscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2021. 4. p.23-30Anna M. Glushakova Lyudmila V. Lysak Andrey An. Belov Anna Ev. Ivanova Aminat B. Umarova Rostislav Al. Streletskyread more882
Complexes of cultured saprotrophic bacteria and yeasts from different components of soil constructions (humus soil horizon and peat) were studied simultaneously with the assessment of auxin-producing activity (synthesis of 3-indolylacetic acid, IAA), of some bacteria and yeast strains isolated. The study was conducted at the stage of laying two variants of constructions in Syktyvkar, formed from components of local origin (variant 1) and imported (humus soil horizon, Moscow, peat "Seliger-agro", Tver region) (variant 2).
The taxonomic structure of microbial complexes isolated from the studied substrates had significant features of similarity. At the same time, components of variant 1 revealed a greater diversity of cultivated saprotrophic bacteria (Bacillus species) species resistant to adverse environmental conditions as well as the presence of psychrophilic basidiomycete yeast Leucosporidium scottii, which was not found in the components of variant 2.
The average IAA production by the yeast strains studied was 647.6 µg/L and by saprotrophic bacteria - 741.3 µg/L. The highest values of IAA concentration were found in the culture liquid of the yeast Tausonia pullulans (strain Y-6) - 3362.6 µg/l, isolated from the humus soil layer of variant 1, and of the two saprotrophic bacteria Flavobacterium рsychrophilum (strain B-7 - 2616.8 µg/L and B-5 - 1056.3 µg/L), isolated from the humus soil horizon in variant 1 and from peat of variant 2. For strains of the yeast Leucosporidium scottii and the cultured saprotrophic bacteria Flavobacterium psychrophilum the ability to synthesize IAA was found for the first time.
Keywords: constructozems; humus soil top layer; peat; IAA; auxin; phytohormones; yeasts; saprotrophic bacteria; Syktyvkar; Moscow