Tatyana Aleksandrovna Paramonova
Adaptive Capability of the VERT_MIG Algorithm to Simulate Vertical Migration of Radionuclides in SoilsMoscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2018. 1. p.16-22Sergey V. Mamikhin Denis N. Lipatov Dmitry V. Monakhov Tatyana A. Paramonova Valeria V. Stolbova Alexey I. Shcheglovread more656
The possibility of using algorithm VERT_MIG the simulations of vertical migration of radionuclides in the soil are discussed. The algorithm was successfully used to develop models of migration 137Cs and 90Sr in radioactive contamination of different soils as a result of accidents at Chernobyl and Fukushima-1. The results of modeling are presented. The prospects for further use of this algorithm and some aspects of the use of simulation in this area are discussed.
Keywords: radionuclides; soil; migration; simulation; algorithm
Cesium-137 Root Uptake by Oat and Lettuce Test Crops from Radioactively Contaminated Chernozem under Model Experiment ConditionsMoscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2018. 1. p.23-31Tatyana A. Paramonova Natalia V. Kuzmenkova Galina I. Agapkina Maria M. Godyaeva Vladimir R. Belyaev Maxim M. Ivanovread more596
The features of cesium-137 (137Cs) root uptake by spring oat (Avena sativa L.) and lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) plants have been studied in a model experiment with simulation of radionuclide fallout into undisturbed monoliths of arable chernozems from the Plavsk radioactive spot. An integrated approach using digital autoradiography and γ-spectrometry methods has revealed a uniform pattern of vertical and lateral 137Cs distribution in the soil profile and low bioavailability of the radionuclide or root uptake by plants. Certain biological features of the test crops with respect to root uptake of 137Cs have been demonstrated: limited translocation of the element into shoots via its relative accumulation in roots for oats and limitation of general root uptake of 137Cs into plants, given its uniform distribution between roots and shoots for lettuce.
Keywords: cesium-137 (137Cs) ; radioactive contamination ; soil–plant system ; transfer factor ; digital autoradiography; γ-spectrometry
Content of phthalate esters in soils of Moscow-cityMoscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2019. 2. p.44-49Yefim S. Brodsky Andrey A. Shelepchikov Galina I. Agapkina Maria O. Tikhonova Tatyana A. Paramonova Denis N. Lipatovread more706
The levels of phthalate esters in the upper soil layers of Moscow-city were considered. The sum of concentrations of five phthalate esters (dimethyl phthalate, diethyl phthalate, diisobutyl phthalate, di-n-butyl phthalate, di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate) in the soils falls in the range 4,39-397,00 mg/kg (with mean value of 62,70 mg/kg and median of 31,22 mg/kg) and was characterized by lognormal distribution. The shares of those phthalates in the sum of concentrations were 0,6; 0,7; 14,2; 57,9, and 26,6% correspondently. The significant positive correlations were found between concentrations of the phthalate esters. The sum of phthalate concentrations was higher in the soils of reserve and residential areas than that in the soils of roadside and park areas.
Keywords: urban ecosystem; soil pollution; soils of Moscow city; phthalate esters
Simulation model of 137Cs dynamics content in food chain components of terrestrial ecosystemMoscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2020. 2. p.37-44Sergey V. Mamikhin Denis N. Lipatov Dmitry V. Monakhov Tatyana A. Paramonova Valeria V. Stolbova Alexey I. Shcheglovread more666
Some aspects of application of simulation modeling of radionuclide behavior in food chains of terrestrial ecosystems are discussed. The model of behavior of 137Cs in the system of type soil-vegetation-herbivores-predators is described. The results of modeling, including the calculation of the dynamics of dose load on animals, are presented. It is shown that in the simplified “Chernobyl” scenario of the radiological situation, dose loads on herbivores are significantly lower than on predators. In general, in animals in the first 10 years, the main contribution to the dose load is made by external irradiation. Then the external and internal dose loads become approximately equal.
Keywords: radioactive contamination; food chains; simulation; dose loads
Simulation model of 137Cs daily dynamics in the food web of the deciduous forest ecosystemMoscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2021. 2. p.29-37Sergey V. Mamikhin Alexey I. Shcheglov Denis N. Lipatov Valeria V. Stolbova Tatyana A. Paramonova Dmitry V. Monakhov Wael M. Badawyread more636
The simulation model of seasonal dynamics of 137Cs in the components of the snytevoy oak forest ecosystem EcoradOak_CS_FW was further developed, which now includes first- and second-order consumers. The radiocesium redistribution in a full-scale food web of a forest ecosystem of the type “soil—vegetation cover—herbivores—predators” is modeled. The algorithm used in the model allows us to take into account the influence of soil, meteorological, phenological and physiological factors on the behavior of radionuclide in the food web and predict radiological situations under various conditions of radioactive fallout. Data on the contamination of animals with radiocesium obtained using the model are used to calculate the dynamics of the internal dose. The results of modeling can be used in the rationing of forest products of deciduous forests. The model is also applicable to the study of potassium redistribution in the trophic chain of a deciduous forest ecosystem.
Simulation model of hourly dynamics of organic matter carbon in herbaceous vegetation communities ECOGRASSMoscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2022. 3. p.57-64Sergey V. Mamikhin Wael M. Badawy Denis N. Lipatov Dmitry V. Monakhov Tatyana A. Paramonova Valeria V. Stolbova Alexey I. Shcheglovread more517
An algorithm has been developed for the simulation model of carbon behavior in herbaceous communities of various
types, both autonomous and being a part of complex phytocenoses. Th e infl uence of external factors is taken
into account such as solar radiation, precipitation, air temperature, clouds, wind speed, etc. Th e dynamics of soil
humidity and temperature are reproduced. Depending on the discreteness of consideration of the simulated processes,
the algorithm can be modifi ed. Th e algorithm was tested in modeling the dynamics of the phytomass of the
community of ground elder (Aegopodium podagraria L.), the dominant species of herbaceous cover in the elder
oak grove on dark gray forest soil. Using the ECOGRASS model, numerical experiments were carried out to study
the impact of the potential global climate change and the consumption of phytomass by animals on the productivity
of this community. Th reshold values of infl uence factors have been determined, upon reaching which the normal
functioning of the community is disrupted.Keywords: carbon balance; herbaceous communities; mathematical modeling; global climate change
Comparative analysis of biological 137Cs and stable K migration in agrosystems of chernozem zoneMoscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2022. 4. p.20-30Tatyana A. Paramonova Natalia V. Kuzmenkova Leonid An.Turykin Kirill V. Pavlov Alexey I. Shcheglov Olga L. Komissarovaread more505
The study of 137Cs and K behavior in «soil-plant» system of chernozem zone in remote period after Chernobyl accident was carried out. Experimental plots in agrosystems such as wheat, soybean, buckwheat, rapeseed, sunflower, grass mixture, and natural biosystem of a dry meadow were selected in the central part of Plavsk radioactive hotspot in Tula region. The level of 137Cs soil contamination was 171 ± 26 kBq/m2 (498 ± 100 Bq/kg). Average gross K content in soils was 2,0 ± 0,1%, including exchangeable K — 235 ± 54 mg/kg and non–exchangeable K — 816 ± 116 mg/kg. Vertical distribution of 137Cs within contaminated 30-cm soil layer of agrosystems, as well as gross K, was uniformly accumulative, while Kex and Knon-ex distribution was regressive and accumulative. At the same time, 137Cs microdistribution in root zone was invariant, and gradient enrichment of soil near the root surface was shown for mobile forms of potassium. Intensity of 137Cs transfer from soils to plants for all studied crops was 1–2 orders lower than intensity of K root uptake. Element distribution between plant organs differed. 137Cs distribution was acropetal for Cereals and basipetal for crops from other families, and K was distributed basipetally in all tested plants.
Keywords: radioactive contamination; radiocaesium (137Cs); biogeochemical cycle; Chernobyl fallout; accumulation coefficient (TF); biological absorption coefficient (BAC)
Radioecology: past, present, futureMoscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2023. 4. p.44-54Alexey I. Shcheglov Olga B. Tsvetnova Galina I. Agapkina Denis N. Lipatov Dmitry V. Monakhov Sergey V. Mamikhin Tatyana A. Paramonova Valeria V. Stolbova Evgeny V. Tsvetnovread more684
The article deals with issues related to the development of radioecology as an independent scientific discipline. The achievements of the past years, the studies that are currently being carried out, as well as promising areas of development in this area are analyzed. A corrected periodization of the stages of development of radioecology is proposed, taking into account the experience accumulated to date in the field of this discipline. At the initial stage (1895–1929:), empirical material was collected; at the first stage (1930–1960), the theoretical foundation was laid and radioecology was formed as an independent discipline; at the second stage (1961–1990), intensive development of radioecology was noted, and at the third stage (1991–2010) — progressive development of radioecology; the forth modern stage of radioecology development falls at the beginning of the twentieth century (2011 — present). For each stage the main scientific achievements and evolution of ideas in the field of radioecology are considered. It is postulated that at present the development of this discipline is associated with the further improvement of world nuclear technologies, the elimination of the consequences of a number of radiation incidents (the accident at the Fukushima nuclear power plant, 2011), the revision of the concept of radiation protection of the environment and a number of other provisions. Particular attention is paid to forest radioecology, one of the most important main directions of this science.
Keywords: discovery of radioactivity; ionizing radiation; natural and technogenic radionuclides; aerial fallout; radiation accidents; contamination; radiation ecology; history of development
Environmental toxicology as finterdisciplinary scientific direction: origins and contemporary experience (review)Moscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2025. 1. p.107-121Galina I. Agapkina Valeria V. Stolbova Alexey I. Shcheglov Denis N. Lipatov Tatyana A. Paramonova Dmitry V. Monakhovread more41
The article analyses the historical development of ecotoxicology as a young interdisciplinary branch of environmental sciences that uses the entire arsenal of knowledge of natural and exact sciences to create its theoretical framework, terms, tasks, and research methods. The paper describes the achievements, current trends and actual directions of development of ecotoxicology considering their theoretical and practical significance. Nowadays ecotoxicology has formed a set of data on effects and behaviors of ecotoxicants in populations and communities of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. This set of data is at the heart of the theoretical foundation of the doctrine on functioning of biosystems under ecotoxicological stress, assessment of systems conditions by bioindication and bioassay techniques, approaches to develop of ecotoxicants regulation within the framework of the concept of acceptable environmental impact on ecosystems. Special attention is paid to multi-vector nature of ecotoxicological research, its cooperation with other areas of science and technology and contribution to the solution of environmental, economic and political challenges of our time.Keywords: chemical pollution; ecotoxicant; ecotoxic effect; organisms; populations; ecosystems; bioindication; biotesting; environmental regulation; nanoparticles; microplastic