Valentina Igorevna Chupina
Natural and anthropogenic soils of the polar-alpine botanical garden (Kirovsk)Moscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2020. 2. p.3-9read more632
Research of soil cover heterogeneity of Khibiny mountains within the Polar-Alpine Botanical Garden was carried out. Podzols and podburs occupy larger area in the garden (90%). Human-transformed soils are widely spread in the areas disturbed during the construction and introduction of plants. The soils of the garden are in the zone of influence of apatite-nepheline factories and metallurgical plants. As a result, in upper horizons there is a high content of some heavy metals and metalloids such as Ni, Cu, Pb, As, Zn, V, Sr.
Keywords: soil structure; organic matter; exchangeable cations; statistical models