Irina Ovakimovna Plekhanova
Research and forecast of microelemental composition of soils under model phytocenoses in soil lysimetersMoscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2018. 1. p.32-39read more591
The theoretical equation, based on the trace elements concentration in the soil as a function of depth and time, was deduced and tested on the experimental data on long-term dynamics of some heavy metals (copper, nickel, manganese) in soils of Moscow State University lysimeters under different types of vegetation.
Keywords: microelements; heavy metals; air pollution; soil pollution forecasting
Biogeochemistry of agrolandscapes of the Eastern Moscow after application of sediments of sewage water as fertilizersMoscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2020. 3. p.22-27read more622
Sewage sludge introduced 28 years ago in sod-podzolic sandy loam soils determines the increased content and mobility of Zn, Cd, Cu, and Ni compounds, and it is the most characteristic for Cd and Zn. The most polluted are the arable horizons of soils. The contaminated layer is within the arable horizon, which indicates on the low rate of heavy metals (HM) migration, which were introduced into the studied soils as part of SS. Heavy metals are washed out of soils with intrasoil runoff insignificantly. This is determined by their chemical properties: low solubility of their compounds, adsorption by mineral and organic components of soils, as well as neutral pH values of the soils themselves. Plants grown on contaminated soils are characterized by an increased content of HM, which varies in 5-7 times depending on the type of plants and their ability to accumulate HM.
Keywords: sewage sluge; compounds of heavy metal; soil contamination; migration; self purification of soils
Features of biogeochemical processes of soils in urban conditions based on the study of ecosystems of Large lysimeters of the soil stationary of MSUMoscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2021. 3. p.21-31Lev G. Bogatyrev Nikolay I. Zhilin Mikhail M. Karpukhin Tatyana V. Prokofieva Anna I. Benediktova Philip I. Zemskov Alexander N. Vartanov Irina O. Plekhanova Nikolai An. Shnyrev Vladimir V. Demin Gleb Ruslanovich Glazman Evgeny N. Kubarevread more787
The functioning of stationary soil lysimeters is determined by a limited volume of soil in both horizontal and vertical directions. The areal spatial limitation and the proximity of phytocenoses to each other in the large lysimeters at the
Moscow State University Soil Station determines the interbiogeocenotic exchange of plant litter, while the vertical
one excludes the role of groundwater and their influence on soil formation. The absence of lateral runoff, which is
common in natural landscapes, and the increased supply of alkaline earth elements with atmospheric precipitation
and dust, reduces the manifestation of the eluvial-illuvial process. Comparison of lysimetric waters in 1967–1968
and 2014–2015 showed a significant increase over time in the concentration of elements such as calcium, sodium,
magnesium and potassium, and among the anions chloride and sulfate ions. The local spatial geochemical contrast
of lysimetric waters caused by the effect of anti-icing agents, however, does not change the relative migration ability
of elements. According to the level of biogeochemical accumulation of elements in the soil, macroelements form
a series of Ca > K > Al > Mg > Na, and trace elements — Zn > Sr > Cu > Ba, while maintaining the same type on all
types of lysimeters. An increase in the concentration of elements in the soil occurs in the following order: broad
leaf > spruce > mixed > pure fallow. The increased accumulation of elements in the soil profile of spruce forests in
comparison with mixed plantations correlates with the type of humus forming here, which is close to the moder
type, which is due to the combination of coniferous and deciduous litter.Keywords: biogeochemistry; primary soil formation; macroelements; microelements; deicing agents; atmospheric precipitation
Modeling of dynamics of Cu, Ni and Mn compounds in the soil profile under artificial phytocenoses of MSU soil lysimetersMoscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2021. 3. p.32-37read more689
The theoretical equation of the concentration of trace element compounds entering the soil with atmospheric precipitation as a function of depth and time is tested on the example of data on the long-term dynamics (1965, 1995, 2006, and 2013) of Cu, Ni and Mn compounds in the soil profile under artificial phytocenoses of the MSU soil lysimeters. The obtained results indicate the possibility of using an analytical model for predicting the content of heavy metals in the soil profile.
Keywords: mathematical models; heavy metals; atmospheric pollution; pollution forecast
Infl uence of rhisospheric bacteria on the productivity of wheat plants and the input of elements from polluted soilsMoscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2023. 3. p.76-82read more585
The results of a vegetation experiment on the humus horizon of soddy-podzolic sandy loamy soil (Albic Retisol),
which was contaminated with heavy metals as a re sult of sewage sludge as a fertilize r, are presented. Th e soil was
used for growing vegetables and forage grasses but has been abandoned for the last 10 years. In the experiment, the
eff ect of rhizospheric bacteria of the genus Pseudomonas on biomass and the entry of micro- and heavy metals into
the vegetative organs and root system of spring wheat plants was studied. Under the infl uence of inoculation with
bacteria, the biomass of wheat plants increased by 10–12% and the content of the main macro- and microelements
in plants changed. Th e content of Ca, K, Mg, Na and P decreased by 1,5–2 times in the vegetative part of wheat plants
inoculated with P. fl uorescens 21 and P. putida 23. The content of macroelements in wheat roots changed little, but the
ratio between the content of elements increased in roots and vegetative parts of plants. Th e distribution of the content
of trace elements and HMs was much more contrasting: the content of Cd in the roots of wheat plants exceeded that
in the vegetative part of plants by 9 times without treatment with bacteria and by 18 and 11 times aft er inoculation
with P. fl uorescens 21 and P. putida 23, and in variants with P. fl uorescens 20 by 7 times. A decrease in the content of
Cd in the vegetative part of wheat plants was noted, by 2 times upon inoculation with P. fl uorescens 21 and by 1,5
times for variants with P. putida 23. Th e content of Zn in the aerial parts of plants also decreased upon inoculation
with P. fl uorescens 21 and by 1,8 times for variants with and P. putida 23 by 1,4 times. An increase in the ratio of the
content of elements in the roots and vegetative mass of plants indicates an increase in the resistance of plants to the
toxic eff ect of heavy metals and the barrier function of the roots.Keywords: bacteria of the genus Pseudomonas; macroelements; heavy metals; content of elements in plants; barrier function of roots
The prospects for environmental assessment, regulation and quality management of soils and landsMoscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2023. 4. p.55-62Alexander S. Yakovlev Maria V. Evdokimova Vera A. Terekhova Irina O. Plekhanova Maxim V. Dabakhov George G. Omel’yanyuk Anastasia S.Gorlenko Natalia V. Kopelchukread more692
The most promising areas of ecological assessment, regulation and quality management of soils and lands are: the study of their ecological functions and the role of the anthropogenic factors in the formation of the natural complex of lands that has developed within land plots, taking into account natural conditions, the type of land use and the relationship with natural environments; study of natural connections between the soil cover and subsurface geological layers; determination of permissible changes in soil quality during oil pollution, forest and peat harvesting taking into account the prospects of natural self-restoration of landscapes; the study of direct and inverse relationships of soils, aquatic environments and amphibian landscapes in conditions of land pollution; identification of the func- tional relationship between the state of soils and the quality of atmospheric air; study of aspects of contact of soils and other components of the environment with waste. The analysis of the existing legal norms aimed at protecting soils as a component of the environment allowed us to conclude that the structure of environmental legislation is incomplete, within the framework of which, among the existing federal laws regulating the protection of environ- mental components, a Law on Soil Protection needs to be developed.Keywords: ecological state; soils’ ecological functions; lands’ ecological functions; soil pollution; remote sensing; atmospheric air; flora and fauna; subsoil; aquatic environments; waste; land use