Olga Petrovna Kononets
Modern radioecological situation in forest and fallow ecosystems оn the territory of the Kaluga regionMoscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 4. p.35-42read more665
The features of the modern radioecological situation in forest (pine, spruce, birch) and fallow ecosystems in the contaminated (southern part) and background (northern part) territories of the Kaluga region are analyzed in this article. The density of soil contamination of the studied region by natural radionuclides (226Ra, 232Th, 40K) corresponds to background levels, while technogenic radionuclide (137Cs) significantly exceeds the background value (3 kBq/m2) and ranges from 60,8 to 273,8 kBq/m2. Forest ecosystems (especially coniferous) are the most contaminated by 137Cs, and fallow ones are the least contaminated. The density of 137Cs soil contamination has decreased on average by more than 3 times compared to the initial period after fallouts (1986), but still significantly exceeds the permissible level (37 kBq/m2). The main contribution to the total specific activity of soils, as well as the power of the equivalent absorbed dose, is made by 137Cs in the ecosystems of the contaminated areas, and by 40K - in the ecosystems of background areas.
Keywords: radioecological environment; natural (226Ra, 232Th, 40K) and technogenic (137Cs) radionuclides; forest and fallow ecosystems; Kaluga region