Olga Borisovna Tsvetnova
The content and distribution of oil hydrocarbons in soils of geochemical landscapes of the southern SakhalinMoscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2019. 2. p.36-43read more656
The article is dedicated to the analysis of content and distribution of oil hydrocarbons in the soils of geochemical landscapes of the southern Sakhalin. It is discussed the main types of soil formed in this region, and the parameters determining the migration of oil hydrocarbons in the landscapes. It was shown that the soils of transit-accumulative and accumulative landscapes are characterized by the highest content and the depth of oil hydrocarbons penetration into the soil profile. In the case of accidental oil spills, along with lateral migration significant role will play vertical migration of oil hydrocarbons to the accumulative landscapes.
Keywords: content and distribution of oil hydrocarbons; soils; geochemical landscapes; southern Sakhalin
Distribution of 226Ra, 232Th and 40K in dark gray forest soils with different carbonate horizon depthMoscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2019. 3. p.37-44read more674
The 226Ra, 232Th, 40K vertical profiles were studied in relation with the soil properties: pHH2O, the sum of exchangeable Ca2+ and Mg2+, the degree of saturation with bases, the content of humus, mobile forms of phosphorus and potassium. An increase in the specific activity of 226Ra, 232Th, 40K associated with the accumulation of humus and the biogenic accumulation of mobile forms of potassium and phosphorus in the upper 0-10 cm layer of horizon A in the soil of the oak forest was detected. The removal of 226Ra from the middle part of the profile of dark gray forest deep-carbonate soil was recorded. A positive correlation between the specific activity of 226Ra and the sum of the exchange bases Ca2+ and Mg2+ indicating the conjugate behavior of these elements-analogues in the horizons A, A(AE), AB and the lower horizons B1, B2, B3 was revealed. Removal of 232Th from horizon A(AE) and accumulation in horizon AB under conditions of local podzolization of dark gray forest soil in birch forest was observed.
Keywords: natural radionuclides; radionuclide migration; soil profile; soil processes; dark gray forest soil
Modern radioecological situation in forest and fallow ecosystems оn the territory of the Kaluga regionMoscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 4. p.35-42read more665
The features of the modern radioecological situation in forest (pine, spruce, birch) and fallow ecosystems in the contaminated (southern part) and background (northern part) territories of the Kaluga region are analyzed in this article. The density of soil contamination of the studied region by natural radionuclides (226Ra, 232Th, 40K) corresponds to background levels, while technogenic radionuclide (137Cs) significantly exceeds the background value (3 kBq/m2) and ranges from 60,8 to 273,8 kBq/m2. Forest ecosystems (especially coniferous) are the most contaminated by 137Cs, and fallow ones are the least contaminated. The density of 137Cs soil contamination has decreased on average by more than 3 times compared to the initial period after fallouts (1986), but still significantly exceeds the permissible level (37 kBq/m2). The main contribution to the total specific activity of soils, as well as the power of the equivalent absorbed dose, is made by 137Cs in the ecosystems of the contaminated areas, and by 40K - in the ecosystems of background areas.
Keywords: radioecological environment; natural (226Ra, 232Th, 40K) and technogenic (137Cs) radionuclides; forest and fallow ecosystems; Kaluga region
Using radionuclides of aerial precipitation in researches of their geochemical migration in soils (review)Moscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2022. 4. p.5-10read more536
The article provides an overview of the results of long-term studies of the migration of radionuclides in the composition of lysimetric waters. The features of lysimetric studies at various stages of radioecology development are considered. It is noted that the use of lysimeters for a long time was limited to low levels of radionuclides in soil solutions, and large-scale studies began after the Chernobyl fallout (1986). It is shown that the greatest output of radionuclides in lysimetric waters occurs in forest, especially coniferous phytocenoses, the least — in meadow and agrophytocenoses. In the long-term dynamics, the maximum intensity of radionuclide migration in the lysimetric waters is observed in the initial period after aerial precipitation, in the seasonal period — in the summer. A small amount of radionuclides migrates with downward water flow. Annual outflow with vertical subsurface runoff varies depending on soil-climatic conditions, the period after precipitation, the thickness and depth of the layer. Annual outflow from the forest litter layer varies from tenths to units of percentage, from the layer 0–20 cm — from hundredths to tenths of a percentage from the total radionuclide supply in these layers. The relative output of 90Sr is much bigger than 137Cs. In soil solution from 70% to 90% radionuclides [144Ce, 239Pu 106Ru ,137Cs and 90Sr] are in the form of radionuclide-organic compounds of various molecular weights.
Keywords: radioecology; radioactive fallout; technogenic radionuclides; lysimetric waters; soil solutions; radionuclide-organic compounds; radionuclide-organic compounds
Isotopic ratio of 137Cs/133Cs in soils and vegetation cover of forest ecosystems (review)Moscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2022. 4. p.11-19read more573
The aim of the work is to summarize the data available in the scientific literature on the values of the 137Cs/133Cs isotope ratio in soils and vegetation cover of forest ecosystems in radioactively contaminated and background territories. The values of the specific activity of 137Cs and the concentration of 133Cs presented in radioecological studies are unified by calculating the molar ratio of these isotopes. Based on the generalized literature data, it is shown that the values of 137Cs/133Cs in soils, forest litter and vegetation increase in radioactively contaminated areas. In background regions exposed only to global radioactive fallout, the isotopic ratio of 137Cs/133Cs is about 0,1–1,0 (× 10-8), whereas in the Chernobyl fallout zone it increases by 1000–100 000 times. The isotopic ratio of 137Cs/133Cs decreases down the soil profiles in various forest ecosystems. Spatial variation of the 137Cs/133Cs ratio in litter is associated with the diversity of ecotopes in forest biogeocenoses. The alignment of the values of the 137Cs/133Cs ratio in the vegetation cover and upper soil horizons indicates the achieved equilibrium of technogenic 137Cs with natural stable 133Cs in the biogeochemical cycle of this element. A comparative study revealed that the isotopic ratio of 137Cs/133Cs increases in the following range of plant cover representatives: Bryophyta < Sorbus aucuparia < Lichenes < Russula vesca < Frangula alnus < Polypodiophyta. For fungi, interspecific differences were noted in the following increasing series in the isotopic ratio 137Cs/133Cs: Lactarius deliciosus < Sarcodon scabrosus < Suillus bovinus < Tricholoma saponaceum < Lepista nuda < Russula delica < Macrolepiota excoriata. For the reference species of coniferous trees — Pinus sylvestris - the isotopic ratio of 137Cs/133Cs in the forest area of the Bryansk region polluted by Chernobyl fallout increases in the following number of components: roots < large branches < trunk wood < needles < small branches < cones.
Keywords: forest soils; forest litter; fungi; radioecological monitoring; Chernobyl fallout; biogeochemical cycle of caesium
Dynamics of 137Cs distribution in the soils of the Tula region before and aft er the Chernobyl accidentMoscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2022. 4. p.31-38read more633
From 1978 to 2021, the migration parameters and dynamics of the distribution of 137Cs in arable and virgin soils of the Tula region were studied. Identical patterns of distribution of 137Cs from global and Chernobyl fallout in the soil profile of leached chernozems were revealed. On arable land, agrotechnical measures contribute to the uniform distribution of 137Cs in the arable soil layer. In virgin soil horizons of chernozem soils of meadow phytocenoses, the processes of redistribution of radionuclides in the surface layers were most active in the first 10-year period after the fallout, which this contributed to the equalization of 137Cs content in layers 0–2 and 2–5 cm and its increase in the 5–10 cm layer to more than 30% by the beginning of 2000. Nowadays, more than 75% of the 137Cs content in virgin chernozem soils of the Tula region is concentrated in the upper 15 cm layer, and the penetration depth of radionuclides reaches 40–45 cm.
Keywords: soils; radioactive contamination; 137Cs; vertical migration; distribution of radionuclides
Indicators of the biological cycle of 90Sr in birch forests of the Bryansk region 30 years aft er the Chernobyl falloutMoscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2023. 3. p.83-92read more539
In the paper, the features of the biological cycle of 90Sr in the birch forests of the Bryansk region in the remote period
aft er the Chernobyl fallout are discussed. Specific activity and inventories of 90Sr in soil, diff erent structures and types
of tree and herbaceous-shrubby stories, higher fungi, and litter are given. It is shown that at present the major part
of 90Sr in the contaminated birch forests of the Bryansk Polesie is accumulated in the soil (82,3%), of which about
71% is in the mineral soil horizons. The biota contains only 17,7% of the total radionuclide inventory with maximum
values in the tree story. Th e contribution of herbaceous-shrubby vegetation and higher fungi is small, <0,5%. In birch
forests 3,07 kBq·m-2 90Sr is involved in the biological cycle, which is about 3% of its total stock in the ecosystem and
approximately corresponds to the radioactive decay of this radionuclide. The main part of the 90Sr goes for formation
of annual growth of the stand, while the contribution of higher fungi to the cycle exceeds the contribution of the
herbaceous-shrubby layer. Th e 90Sr return to soil is lower (48,2%) than its fi xation in annual biomass growth (51,8%).Keywords: radioactive fallout; technogenic radionuclide; forest ecosystems; accumulation in biomass; return to the soil
Radioecology: past, present, futureMoscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2023. 4. p.44-54Alexey I. Shcheglov Olga B. Tsvetnova Galina I. Agapkina Denis N. Lipatov Dmitry V. Monakhov Sergey V. Mamikhin Tatyana A. Paramonova Valeria V. Stolbova Evgeny V. Tsvetnovread more684
The article deals with issues related to the development of radioecology as an independent scientific discipline. The achievements of the past years, the studies that are currently being carried out, as well as promising areas of development in this area are analyzed. A corrected periodization of the stages of development of radioecology is proposed, taking into account the experience accumulated to date in the field of this discipline. At the initial stage (1895–1929:), empirical material was collected; at the first stage (1930–1960), the theoretical foundation was laid and radioecology was formed as an independent discipline; at the second stage (1961–1990), intensive development of radioecology was noted, and at the third stage (1991–2010) — progressive development of radioecology; the forth modern stage of radioecology development falls at the beginning of the twentieth century (2011 — present). For each stage the main scientific achievements and evolution of ideas in the field of radioecology are considered. It is postulated that at present the development of this discipline is associated with the further improvement of world nuclear technologies, the elimination of the consequences of a number of radiation incidents (the accident at the Fukushima nuclear power plant, 2011), the revision of the concept of radiation protection of the environment and a number of other provisions. Particular attention is paid to forest radioecology, one of the most important main directions of this science.
Keywords: discovery of radioactivity; ionizing radiation; natural and technogenic radionuclides; aerial fallout; radiation accidents; contamination; radiation ecology; history of development
Changes in the absorption capacity of soil under the infl uence of degradation processes during cultivation of agricultural cropsMoscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2024. 3. p.170-179read more310
The article presents the results of measuring the toxicity of soils with a specific activity of 137Cs in the range of 3,3∙102–1,3∙106 Bq∙kg-1, the flux density of β-particles and the dose rate of γ radiation on the surface of a bulk sample of 5,4-192,7 imp∙sec-1∙cm-2 and 0,2-2,7 μSv∙h-1, respectively. The forms of toxicity were detected in a solid-phase biotest with Allium cepa L., simulating the situation of external irradiation of dividing cells in contact with soil. The toxic effect was assessed relative to the control as mitotoxicity by reducing the mitotic index and as genotoxicity by inducing chromosomal aberrations, taking into account the contribution of the clastogenic effect. The value of the mitotic index in a series of biotests with contaminated soil decreased to values of 8,6±1,1–14,6±2,3% compared with the control proliferation level of 14,9±1,2%. At the same time, the frequency of chromosomal aberrations increased conjugately from 4,7±0,3 to 18,2±3,3%, with a control level of 3,9±0,5%, with an increase to 68% of the proportion of pathologies associated with clastogenic effects on chromosomes. A number of significant correlations between the values of toxicity indexes and indicators of radioactive contamination of soils have been revealed.Keywords: radioactive contamination; external contact irradiation; cytogenetic analysis; mitotic index; frequency of chromosomal aberrations; clastogenic effect; beta-radiation
Radioecological situation in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems in the area of the location of the enterprise «State Scientifi c Center — Research Institute of Nuclear Reactors»Moscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2024. 4. p.228-237read more262
The article analyzes the features of the radioecological situation in the zone of possible influence of the State Scientific Center «Scientific Research Institute of Atomic Rectors» (SSC NIIAR, Dimitrovgrad, Ulyanovsk region). Field studies were conducted according to the methods recommended for conducting radioecological monitoring. Measurements of the specific activity of natural and man-made radionuclides were carried out on a scintillation gamma-ray spectrometer «Multirad» (Russia) with a scintillation detector NaI(Tl) 63×63 mm in 3-fold repetition. It is shown that at present the radioecological situation in the forests in the territory under consideration is satisfactory: the power of the equivalent absorbed dose of gamma radiation, the density of soil pollution and the levels of specific activity of 137Cs in biota do not exceed the normative indicators, with the exception of fungi, the specific activity of which is close to the maximum normative —2500 Bq∙kg-1. In the Cheremshansky Bay of Volga River the volume activity of 137Cs in the surface and bottom waters does not exceed the standard (11 Bq∙l-1), however, significant amounts of technogenic radionuclides such as 137Cs, 134Cs, 60Co were found in the bottom sediments. In forest and aquatic ecosystems, «critical components» can be distinguished, which are characterized by an increased storage capacity in relation to man-made radionuclides. In forest ecosystems, this is the litter of gray typical forest soil and the dark humus horizon of the urban quasi-ecosystem, and the components of the biota are higher fungi. In aquatic ecosystems — there are bottom sediments.Keywords: radioactive emissions; natural and man-made radionuclides; forest and aquatic ecosystems; native and techno-soils