Galina Vladimirovna Kharitonova

The texture of the Simmy bottom sediments ("Bolon'sky" reserve)Moscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2019. 4. p.48-55read more628
The texture of bottom sediments of the Simmy River and its tributaries in the area of the “Bolon'sky” reserve (Khabarovskiy region, Far East) was studied with methods of laser diffractometry, sedimentation and electron microscopic analysis. It was found out that the texture of Simmy sediments in downstream is characterized by the accumulation of fine sand, which corresponds to alluvial-lake genesis of the studied area. In the wellhead part of river sediments are formed mainly by suspended sediments with a predominance of the clay fraction. This is due to the impact of the floodplain Bolon Lake, which level fluctuations correspond to changes in the level of water in the Amur River. It is shown that coagulation and deposition of suspended particles with low content of organic matter (< 1%) leads to the formation of volumetric aggregated, dense and viscous sediments. The high content of organic matter in sediments (> 6%, the Kirpy River, the tributary of the Simmy River) leads to the “nodal” differentiation of spatial structures and to the formation of porous microaggregates.
Keywords: edaphic components of ecosystems; bottom sediments; Simmy R.; Russian Far East
Labile Components of Bottom Sediments in the Simmi River (Bolon State Nature Reserve)Moscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 4. p.27-34read more683
The composition of bottom sediment in the estuarine part of the Simmi River, a small tributary of the Amur River (Bolon State Nature Reserve, Russian Far East), was studied using X-ray fluorescence, electron microscopy, sedimentation analysis, and laser diffractometry. It is established that the formation of labile components in the bottom sediments (vivianite–clay microaggregates, gypsum microcrystals, and vaterite mesocrystals) is linked with effects of the pyrogenous factor in the Simmi River basin and the level regime of the main river. The formations are mobile due to their small size (<100 μm). The bottom deposits are primarily formed by such suspended sediments (particle size <100 μm), which is consistent with the lacustrine–alluvial genesis of the area. Two vivianite formation mechanisms have been identified in the bottom sediments in periods following fires, when the concentration of phosphate ions in the river water is elevated. Vivianite is formed on the surface of ferruginous–clay microaggregates, due to the reduction of Fe (III) in the presence of organic matter and on biological templates (organic residues and single-celled microorganisms).
Keywords: edaphic components of ecosystems; bottom sediments; vivianite; vaterite; Simmy r.; Russian Far East
Salt neoformations in the soils of the Aral Sea dried bottomMoscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2022. 3. p.36-47Galina V. Kharitonova Evgenii V. Shein Valeria O. Krutikova Galina V. Stulina Alexander V. Dembovetskyread more560
Salt neoformations in sandy and silty loam soils of the Aral Sea dried bottom in the south-western part were studied by X-ray fluorescence, electron microscopic, sedimentation methods of analysis and laser diffractometry. The surface layers of soils are significantly saline and enriched with CaCO3. The distribution of CaCO3 over the area is quite uniform, which indicates relatively close conditions of its formation during desiccation. The salt content varies from 0.4 to 1.2% in sands and from 3.1 to 5.8% in silty loam. The latter are characterized by the highest salinity, when, in addition to gypsum and halite, readily soluble salts are formed: eugsterite (2Na2SO4.CaSO4.2H2O), astrakhanite (Na2SO4.MgSO4.4H2O), and mirabilite (Na2SO4.10H2O). Precipitation of calcite upon drying leads to the formation of CaCO3-ooids in sands and CaCO3- microaggregates from clay and silty particle in silty loam. The reason for the increased activity of easily soluble salts in the processes of aeolian transport has been established. This transport and, correspondingly, the salinization of adjacent territories are facilitated by the blocking of adsorption centers in clays by calcite, which prevents the binding of easily soluble salts in clay-salt microaggregates.
Keywords: soil texture; salt compositions; carbonates; evaporites; electron microscopy
Bottom sediments of surface watercourses of the Malmyzhsky mountain rangeMoscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2023. 3. p.132-142read more628
X-ray fluorescence, electron microscopic, sedimentation analyses and laser diffractometry methods were used to study the composition of bottom sediments of surface watercourses of the Malmyzhskaya Ridge section allocated for the construction of a mining and processing plant (Khabarovsk region, Russia). It is established that the bottom sediments of the coastal zone of the watercourses of the studied area are characterized by a similar gross composition and physical and chemical properties (pH, solid phase density, total carbon content, wetting edge angle CAW). They are mainly represented by fine earth with a high proportion of suspended sediments, in which the fraction of coarse silt prevails (particle size <2,0 mm, <0,1 mm and 0,01–0,05 mm, respectively). It is shown that deforestation in the sources of watercourses accompanied by soil erosion leads to a significant increase in the dispersion of sediments (an increase in the proportion of suspended sediments up to 90%) in the upstream. Downstream, with the distance from the felling sites, the influence of deforestation on the dispersion of deposits fades. The content of suspended sediment is reduced to values characteristic of watercourses in the catchment area of which deforestation has not been carried out. Significant microaggregation of suspended sediments of watercourses was revealed, the participation of microbiota (testate amoebas of xenosome taxa, diatoms and Fe-reducing bacteria) in the formation of microaggregates was diagnosed. The latter are involved in the formation of vivianite on the surface of ferruginous-clay microaggregates with an increased content of phosphates after fires. The mechanism of formation of toroidal microforms of vaterite in bottom sediments with the participation of cyanobacteria of the Spirulinaceae family is proposed.Keywords: deforestation; soil erosion; bottom sediments; vivianite; vaterite; vaterite; Russian Far East
Hydrocarbons in soils of the Tamsagbulag oil fi eld (Eastern Mongolia)Moscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2024. 3. p.180-189read more408
Dry steppe chestnut soils (Kastanozems) of the Tamsagbulag oil field are subject to intensive technogenic impact of oil production facilities. It has been established that the technogenic impact on chestnut soil during oil production is manifested in the discreteness of physical-chemical parameters in the surface horizon. The value of the miner- alization of the aqueous extract ranged from 32.5 to 325.0 mg∙L-1, the specific electrical conductivity from 65.4 to
647.0 μS∙cm-1. The concentration of hydrocarbons (HC) varied from 7 to 647 mg∙kg-1 and, with rare exceptions, was at the level of background values (100 mg/kg) established for oil production areas. The proportion of HC from the organic carbon content Corg varied widely, from 0.01 to 6.20%. Gas-chromatographic analysis of the molecular weight distribution of n-alkanes in the composition of HC showed that high-molecular homologues C27–C39 dominate in the surface horizon of the soil, with a sufficiently high degree of transformation of individual odd n-alkanes. The proportion of average molecular weight homologues ∑C22–C25 did not exceed 8% of the sum of n-alkanes. In the microbial community, heterotrophic bacteria dominated among the ecological-trophic groups of microorganisms (unicellular bacteria, actinomycetes, micromycetes), in their composition the proportion of oil-oxidizing bacteria was 9.1–39.3%. The process of destruction of petroleum HC was accompanied by the formation of a wide range of volatile organic compounds. It is shown that the quantitative and qualitative composition of oil components in the surface horizon of soils is determined by two processes — vertical migration and transformation of hydrocarbons, which compensate for the accumulation of oil.Keywords: particle size distribution; petroleum hydrocarbons; n-alkanes; microorganisms