Tatyana Vladimirovna Bauer
Physical and chemical properties of soils and technogenic surface rock formations in dumps of coal mines in Rostov oblastMoscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2024. 4. p.157-169Inna V. Zamulina Tatyana M. Minkina Elizaveta Yur. Konstantinova Dina G. Nevidomskaya Yuri Al.Litvinov Saglara S. Mandzhieva Tatyana V. Bauerread more219
The physical, chemical and physico-chemical properties of soils and man-made surface formations of the territories of coal dumps in the southeastern part of the Donetsk ridge within the Grushevsko-Nesvetaevskaya syncline (Rostov region), differing in age, lithological properties of the overburden and host rocks composing them, and pyrogenic dynamics, have been studied. The main characteristics of the soil properties of the studied territories have been established to assess the geoecological situation, patterns of the spread of potentially toxic substances and the development of projects for the restoration of territories. The unequal influence of soil formation factors was revealed, manifested in high variability and contrast of soil properties. Electron microscopic studies of technogenic samples have shown that the coarse microstructure was formed as a result of the impact of modern compaction, cementation and sintering processes on the rock.Keywords: coal dumps; landfills; Eastern Donbass; texture; microstructure