Anastasia Igorevna Gasina
Transformation of water retention and transport function of artificial soils in MoscowMoscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2024. 4. p.14-25read more192
The paper presents the results of experiments to study changes in hydrological properties of soil substrates composing profiles of artificial soils (construktozems) 1-4 years aft er their creation. Constructozems are represented by two variants - layered soils including Ap horizon, lowland peat and quarry sand of the same thickness, and a mixture of these substrates in an identical amount by weight, as for layered constructozems. Water retention curves obtained by capillarimetric method on samples of undisturbed structure were compared. A decrease in the water-holding capacity of the peat layer and an increase in the mixture samples were found a year after their functioning as part of the artificial soils. Laboratory and field experiments showed a statistically significant difference in water filtration rates of the layered constructozems and the mixture. Sharp boundaries between soil horizons contrasting in their properties reduce water migration rates down to zero values. Obtaining breakthrough curves of potassium ions allowed us to establish that the formation of continuous paths of rapid movement of water and dissolved substances is observed after four years of functioning of artificial soils and is most pronounced in constructions with homogeneous soil profile structure.Keywords: layered soil structures; preferential flows; matter transport; filtration coeffi cient; breakthrough curves; soil pore space; peat; soil substrates