Victor Ilyich Mikhailovsky
Economic assessment of eroded soils: current state and development prospectsMoscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2024. 3. p.7-18Oleg A. Makarov Valery V. Demidov Dina V. Karpova Pavel S. Shulga Dina R. Abdulkhanova Elena N. Yesafova Evgeny N. Kubarev Victor Il. Mikhailovskyread more423
Summary Soil erosion as one of the types of land degradation aff ects various economic interests of people. It is shown that the most promising areas of erosion studies, where economic methods can be applied, are — assessment of actual damage fr om soil erosion, determination of the magnitude of probable damage from the occurrence of erosion
processes in soils, economic analysis in the development of sustainable land use systems for territories whose soils are subject to erosion. Th e group of methods for determining economic damage is characterized by the greatest development, including taking into account ecosystem services that soils «lose» as a result of erosion processes. Methods for assessing the risk of soil erosion have signifi cant development potential, since by now a powerful database of predictive models and equations (USLE, RUSLE, RUSLE2, WEPP, EUROSE, CREAMS, EPIC, VNIIZiZPE, etc.) has been created, allowing to assess indicators of soil erosion in the future. Th e neoclassical theory of capital is used in the development of sustainable land use systems, which requires that the fertility of the soil and the net social benefits from non-market goods and services from agricultural land should be maintained over time. Th us, it is possible to
create compensatory taxation mechanisms for territories wh ere soil erosion processes occur.Keywords: soil erosion; soil protection; damage; risk; economic and ecological-economic methods; sustainable land use