Vasily Andreevich Varachenkov
Properties of urban soils aft er decontamination measures on the radioactively contaminated territory of the city of ElektrostalMoscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2024. 2. p.95-104read more625
We studied morphological properties, pH, organic carbon content, and specific activity of 137Cs and natural radionuclides (40K, 226Ra, 232Th) in the upper horizons of soils in deactivated and slightly damaged areas of the city. The studies were carried out in the urban ecosystems of the city of Elektrostal (Moscow region) in 2019, i.e. 6 years after local precipitation of 137Cs due to a radiation incident. Morphological features of the upper horizons of urban soils were: brownish-gray color, light-loamy composition, small-lumpy and lumpy structure, inclusions of construction and household waste. In the upper horizons of urbiquasizems and urban soils, a low carbon content (less than 1%) with high coefficients of variation - were detected. In the studied urban soils, a wide range of water pH values was noted: from acidic (4,6–5,5) to highly alkaline (>8,0) reaction. Correlation analysis showed that in the upper horizons of UR, the content of organic carbon was reduced and alkalinization of the soil environment was observed. The accumulative type of distribution of 137Cs was recorded for soil profiles of polluted urban ecosystems in which decontamination measures were not carried out. The profiles of urban soils that were subjected to decontamination revealed low values of the specific activity of 137Cs in surface bulk layers and maxima in buried contaminated horizons. In the bulk horizons of UR, which include a large amount of crushed stone, there is an increase in the specific activity of 226Ra. Some technogenic horizons UR and TCH, consisting mainly of quartz sand, are characterized by very low values of specific activities 226Ra and 40K. Correlations of chemical and radiation indicators in the profiles of urban soils reflect the different composition and properties of upper horizons formed as a result of excavation and decontamination work.
Keywords: urban soils; urban ecosystems; soil profile; radiation incident; caesium-137; natural radionuclides