Marina Aleksandrovna Butylkina
Rheological properties of soils of different land use in the Syktyvkar urban district of the Komi RepublicMoscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2023. 3. p.115-124Larisa Ig. Arakelova Aminat B. Umarova Dolgor D. Khaydapova Marina Al. Butylkina Zakhar S. Ezhelev Anna V. Fedotovaread more1050
The mechanical characteristics of soils of the same genesis and diff erent land use of Syktyvkar are studied: agrodernovo-
podzolic urban-stratifi ed soil within the city, post-frost park soil, podzolic soil of suburban territory. The analysis of their relationship with the content of organic matter and granulometric composition is carried out. In
agrodern-podzolic urban-stratifi ed soil, the strength properties are largely due to the content of large granulometric
fractions (> 0.25 mm), and in podzolic soil — the content of organic matter. Rows of soils were built according
to the values of rheological parameters. The strength of structural bonds, estimated by the parameter of the initial
modulus of elasticity, is greatest in podzolic soil, a wide range of linear viscoelastic state distinguishes the horizons
of agroderno-podzolic urban-stratified soil. Both post-frost and podzolic soil have the same average values of the
starting point of the viscous flow region.Keywords: podzolic soils; urban soils; soil structure; deformation; granulometric composition; organic matter; elasticity; viscous flow area; rheometer
Physical properties of upper mineral horizons of cutting area (middle taiga, Komi Republic)Moscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2024. 2. p.15-25read more594
Changes in the physical properties of podzolic soils were analysed three years after a cutting of coniferous-deciduous plantings in the territory of the middle taiga of the Komi Republic with three‒ and ten‒fold forwarder passes, as well as after leveling deep ruts formed after ten passes. The influence of different number of passes on soil density, filtration coefficient, penetration resistance is shown. An assumption about various mechanisms of soil change has been made: three forwarder passes lead to compression, ten — to compression and turbation, which was confirmed by indications of soil density and hardness. It was revealed that compression leads to an increase in density by 0.15 g×cm‒3 and penetration resistance by 25%. Meanwhile, filtration rate did not change. Ten passes lead to turbation, which levels the possible compaction due to an introduction of forest litter into the upper mineral soil horizons. Moreover, hardness values decreased by 2‒3 times and water permeability decreased from 70 to 1 cm×day‒1. It was revealed that leveling deep ruts causes a noticeable decrease in soil density after three years, including in comparison with the undisturbed soil. Furthermore, filtration rate increases several times. Penetration resistance is also increased. An estimation of the water retention curve approximation parameters by the van Genuchten equation made it possible to identify changes in soil of ruts compared to the a mechanically undisturbed site. A decrease in the range of mobile moisture was noted as a result of compaction after heavy equipment usage, leading to moisture stagnation in ruts.
Keywords: podzolic soils; bulk density; filtration; penetration resistance; water retention curve
Transformation of water retention and transport function of artificial soils in MoscowMoscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2024. 4. p.14-25read more192
The paper presents the results of experiments to study changes in hydrological properties of soil substrates composing profiles of artificial soils (construktozems) 1-4 years aft er their creation. Constructozems are represented by two variants - layered soils including Ap horizon, lowland peat and quarry sand of the same thickness, and a mixture of these substrates in an identical amount by weight, as for layered constructozems. Water retention curves obtained by capillarimetric method on samples of undisturbed structure were compared. A decrease in the water-holding capacity of the peat layer and an increase in the mixture samples were found a year after their functioning as part of the artificial soils. Laboratory and field experiments showed a statistically significant difference in water filtration rates of the layered constructozems and the mixture. Sharp boundaries between soil horizons contrasting in their properties reduce water migration rates down to zero values. Obtaining breakthrough curves of potassium ions allowed us to establish that the formation of continuous paths of rapid movement of water and dissolved substances is observed after four years of functioning of artificial soils and is most pronounced in constructions with homogeneous soil profile structure.Keywords: layered soil structures; preferential flows; matter transport; filtration coeffi cient; breakthrough curves; soil pore space; peat; soil substrates