Dolgor Dorzhievna Khaydapova
Rheological properties of soils of different land use in the Syktyvkar urban district of the Komi RepublicMoscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2023. 3. p.115-124Larisa Ig. Arakelova Aminat B. Umarova Dolgor D. Khaydapova Marina Al. Butylkina Zakhar S. Ezhelev Anna V. Fedotovaread more1050
The mechanical characteristics of soils of the same genesis and diff erent land use of Syktyvkar are studied: agrodernovo-
podzolic urban-stratifi ed soil within the city, post-frost park soil, podzolic soil of suburban territory. The analysis of their relationship with the content of organic matter and granulometric composition is carried out. In
agrodern-podzolic urban-stratifi ed soil, the strength properties are largely due to the content of large granulometric
fractions (> 0.25 mm), and in podzolic soil — the content of organic matter. Rows of soils were built according
to the values of rheological parameters. The strength of structural bonds, estimated by the parameter of the initial
modulus of elasticity, is greatest in podzolic soil, a wide range of linear viscoelastic state distinguishes the horizons
of agroderno-podzolic urban-stratified soil. Both post-frost and podzolic soil have the same average values of the
starting point of the viscous flow region.Keywords: podzolic soils; urban soils; soil structure; deformation; granulometric composition; organic matter; elasticity; viscous flow area; rheometer