Kristina Viktorovna Korchagina

Kinetic assessment of biodegradability in gel-forming soil conditioners based on bod analysisMoscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2023. 3. p.36-49read more648
Biodegradation is one of the main factors limiting the effi ciency and service life of gel-forming soil conditioners. Th e
study quantifi es this process using laboratory analysis of biological oxygen uptake (BOD) in innovative composite
superabsorbents with an acrylic polymer matrix, amphiphilic agents (humates, peat) and silver ions as an inhibitor
of biological activity. A simple kinetic model of BOD is proposed to standardize the analysis and calculation of the
half-life of polymers aft er their incubation in precision VELP respirometers (Italy). Th e half-life of hydrogels swollen
in distilled water (1:100) at a temperature of 30°C varied in the range from 0,8±0,2 to 2,4±1,6 years. Th e addition
of an aqueous extract from compost sharply enhances biodegradation and reduces the half-life of hydrogels up to
40–60 days. Doses of 0,1–1% silver in a polymer matrix or 10-100 ppm in swollen hydrogels increase their half-life by
5–20 times. Th e new methodological approach makes it possible to fully automatically evaluate the biodegradation
of gel–forming polymers in laboratory conditions, however, for stable materials with a half-life of more than 2,5–3
years, the accuracy of manometric BOD analyzers is insuffi cient for a statistically reliable assessment of the kinetics
of biodegradation even in long (120 days) incubation experiments.Keywords: biodegradation; gel-forming soil conditioners; incubation experiment; biological oxygen uptake; biological kinetics; process modeling
Simulation modeling and practical use of the hydrological function of detritus in soil engineering technologiesMoscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2023. 4. p.94-108Andrey V. Smagin Nadezhda B. Sadovnikova Elena Al. Belyaeva Kristina V. Korchagina Victoria N. Krivtsovaread more447
The high water retention and water capacity functions of detritus determine its potential hydrological significance in the formation of the water regime of soils and phytoproductivity of forest landscapes. Using computer modeling of water exchange in the “soil-plant-atmosphere” HYDRUS-1D system, we preliminary studied the hydrological func- tion of detritus for water retention of precipitation and root water consumption at different amounts and variants of the arrangement of detritus layers in the soil profile. The soil structures designed on the basis of this information for sustainable afforestation with increased carbon sequestration demonstrated in field experiments with water balance monitoring high efficiency in optimizing the water retention capacity of the soil and roots water consumption of the test crop (Glauca spruce) with a 2-3-fold reduction in unproductive water losses and a 1.5–2-fold increase in the current plant growth relative to untreated control. The physical mechanism of the detritus hydrological function is the formation of capillary barriers blocking evaporation and capillary resorption of soil water due to due to surface accumulation (forest litter) or placement in layers inside the soil (peat layers in constructosems).
Keywords: biodegradation; gel-forming soil conditioners; incubation experiment; biological oxygen uptake; biological kinetics; process modeling