Dina Vyacheslavovna Karpova
Assessment of damage from soil and land degradation at three hierarchical levels of the administrative and economic structure of the Russian Federation: subjects, municipalities and agricultural farmsMoscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2023. 2. p.86-93Oleg A. Makarov Dina R. Abdulkhanova Dina V. Karpova Valeria S. Krasilnikova Nina Al. Marakhova Nikita R. Kryuchkov Mikhail R. Chekin Maria V. Belyaeva Asan S. Baldjievread more665
Th e damage caused by soil and land degradation was assessed at three hierarchical levels (the region as a whole, the municipality, the agricultural sector) of the spatial organization of six test regions of the Russian Federation (Volgograd, Belgorod, Kaliningrad, Vladimir, Samara and Penza regions). Th e indicators of soil and land degradation for all test objects
were a decrease in the content of exchangeable potassium, a decrease in the content of mobile phosphorus, a decrease
in the content of humus, a change in the acidity index of soils. In addition, for the test objects of the Volgograd region, the indicator of land salinization was used, the Belgorod region — soil erosion, the Kaliningrad region — the indicator of the metabolic coeffi cient (qCO2) of soils. It was found that the minimum and maximum values of the specific total damage fr om degradation can be detected for regions with a similar composition of soil cover (Saratov and Belgorod regions, respectively, wh ere chernozem soils predominate). When the values of specifi c total damage from soil and land degradation are close to each other at various hierarchical levels of spatial organization of regions (Vladimir, Saratov, Belgorod and partly Penza regions), in terms of intensity and scale of manifestation of the studied degradation processes, the agricultural farm is «typical» for the entire municipal district, and the municipal district is «typical» for the entire region.Keywords: agro-exhaustion; soil erosion; test regions (subjects) of the Russian Federation
Food security assessment issues in the Russian FederationMoscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2023. 2. p.117-127Olga V. Cherkasova Anton S. Strokov Evgeny V. Tsvetnov Dina V. Karpova Maria V. Belyaeva Mikhail R. Chekin Nina Al. Marakhovaread more782
The purpose of the study was to assess the current state of food security in some regions of the Russian Federation,
to identify bottlenecks that hinder its achievement, and also to try to determine the relationship between food
security indicators and the degree of land degradation – categories that largely determine the socio-ecological
development of the region. Belgorod, Vladimir, Volgograd, Kaliningrad, Penza, Samara regions were selected as
test regions. At the same time, the choice of the self-suffi ciency indicator for the main types of food products as the
most representative indicator for assessing food security at the municipal level is justified. Th e adapted methodology
for calculating self-suffi ciency for the municipal level consisted in using the calculated indicators of the required
production volumes in accordance with rational consumption standards, which allowed us to obtain an objective assessment of how much municipal formations are able to provide the population living there with the main types of products. The adapted methodology proposed by the authors for calculating indicators of self-suffi ciency in basic types of food at the municipal level is described in detail in earlier publications. Th e results of the analysis of the
data obtained on self-suffi ciency in such types of products as potatoes, vegetables, meat, milk, fruits and berries in the municipal districts of the test regions in dynamics for the period 2010-2021 are presented. In addition, the relationship between the calculated indicators of self-suffi ciency in the main types of food and the degree of land degradation in the municipalities of the test regions was revealed. The results obtained made it possible to identify the main problems associated with ensuring food security and develop proposals to improve the situation.<br>Keywords: self-sufficiency; municipalities; regions of Russia; land degradation
The main directions of scientific research at the departament of erosion and soilprotection: current state and prospects of developmentMoscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2023. 4. p.70-82Oleg A. Makarov Mikhail S. Kuznetsov Valery V. Demidov Dina V. Karpova Pavel S. Shulga Dina R. Abdulkhanova Elena N. Yesafova Evgeny N. Kubarevread more488
The Department of Erosion and Soil Protection has developed the main scientific directions – «Assessment of ero- sion processes in soils of various bioclimatic zones», «Study of the basics of sustainable land use» and «Ecological and economic assessment of soil and land degradation». It is proposed to develop both existing areas of scientific research with a certain adjustment of their names and problems («Analysis and modeling of erosion processes in soils, including in the context of climate change», «Development of the concept of sustainable land use in the context of food security», «Ecology, economics and socio-demographic features of land use in the context of climate change and soil degradation»), as well as new directions that have some research history at the department — «Development of principles of soil protection», «Development of methodological foundations of land reclamation». The necessity of creating a holistic concept of soil protection is considered in particular detail. This concept should include both the formulation of legal (legislative and regulatory-methodological) principles of soil protection, and the definition of criteria for assessing soils under which their protection can be carried out, and the development of soil protection systems (first of all, from the manifestation of erosion processes) in various bioclimatic and administrative-territorial conditions.Keywords: soil erosion; sustainable land use; ecological and economic assessment; soil degradation; land reclamation
Economic assessment of eroded soils: current state and development prospectsMoscow University Bulletin. Series 17. Soil science. 2024. 3. p.7-18Oleg A. Makarov Valery V. Demidov Dina V. Karpova Pavel S. Shulga Dina R. Abdulkhanova Elena N. Yesafova Evgeny N. Kubarev Victor Il. Mikhailovskyread more423
Summary Soil erosion as one of the types of land degradation aff ects various economic interests of people. It is shown that the most promising areas of erosion studies, where economic methods can be applied, are — assessment of actual damage fr om soil erosion, determination of the magnitude of probable damage from the occurrence of erosion
processes in soils, economic analysis in the development of sustainable land use systems for territories whose soils are subject to erosion. Th e group of methods for determining economic damage is characterized by the greatest development, including taking into account ecosystem services that soils «lose» as a result of erosion processes. Methods for assessing the risk of soil erosion have signifi cant development potential, since by now a powerful database of predictive models and equations (USLE, RUSLE, RUSLE2, WEPP, EUROSE, CREAMS, EPIC, VNIIZiZPE, etc.) has been created, allowing to assess indicators of soil erosion in the future. Th e neoclassical theory of capital is used in the development of sustainable land use systems, which requires that the fertility of the soil and the net social benefits from non-market goods and services from agricultural land should be maintained over time. Th us, it is possible to
create compensatory taxation mechanisms for territories wh ere soil erosion processes occur.Keywords: soil erosion; soil protection; damage; risk; economic and ecological-economic methods; sustainable land use