ISSN 0137-0944
eISSN 2949-6144
En Ru
ISSN 0137-0944
eISSN 2949-6144
Drained soils as an analogue of a large area lysimeter

Drained soils as an analogue of a large area lysimeter


Surface waterlogged soils, drained by ceramic and plastic drainage, are an analogue of large-area lysimetric installations, the drainage runoff in which is represented by gravitational waters like lysimetric waters. The drainage runoff module in the spring and autumn periods at landfills drained with plastic and ceramic drainage, and its dependence on the humidity of the year have been established. It is shown that drainage transforms the type of water regime from stagnant-washing to washing. The long-term and spatial dynamics of the removal of the silty fraction of soils and iron compounds has been studied. The removal of chemical elements with drainage runoff and its influence on the intensity of the loessivage process in agro-gray drained soils have been established.

PDF, ru

Received: 02/10/2021

Accepted: 06/11/2021

Accepted date: 09/30/2021

Keywords: water regime of soils; drainage flow module; chemical composition of water; water regime of soils; silt fraction; forms of iron compounds; chemical composition of water

Available in the on-line version with: 30.09.2021

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Issue 3, 2021