ISSN 0137-0944
eISSN 2949-6144
En Ru
ISSN 0137-0944
eISSN 2949-6144
Influence of plant cover on hydrothermal conditions in soils of Large lysimeters of the MSU soil station: results of a 60-year experiment

Influence of plant cover on hydrothermal conditions in soils of Large lysimeters of the MSU soil station: results of a 60-year experiment

PDF, ru

Received: 02/22/2021

Accepted: 05/20/2021

Accepted date: 09/30/2021

Keywords: ecosystem; vegetation cover; hydrothermal regime of soils; biological activity of soils; temperature; soilmoisture; parameters of soil functioning; lysimeters

Available in the on-line version with: 30.09.2021

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Issue 3, 2021