ISSN 0137-0944
eISSN 2949-6144
En Ru
ISSN 0137-0944
eISSN 2949-6144
Peculiarities of transformation of humus substances in the soddy-podzolic soil, disturbed by the main pipeline construction

Peculiarities of transformation of humus substances in the soddy-podzolic soil, disturbed by the main pipeline construction


The action and aftereffect of the construction main pipeline on the characteristics of humus and the features of its distribution over particle-size fractions of soddy-podzolic soil were studied; features of humus technogenic degradation and the degree of their expression in comparison with the control soil in different periods of observations in relation to the specificity of ecological situation were characterized.


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Received: 07/17/2018

Accepted: 08/17/2018

Accepted date: 03/30/2019

Keywords: humus characteristics; particle-size fractions; technogenic degradation; ecological situation

Available in the on-line version with: 30.03.2019

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Issue 1, 2019