ISSN 0137-0944
eISSN 2949-6144
En Ru
ISSN 0137-0944
eISSN 2949-6144
Refining total oxygen content in the solid phase of soils

Refining total oxygen content in the solid phase of soils


Expression of the total chemical analysis in the form of oxides has significant drawbacks: this conditional form does not correspond to the actual content of soil minerals. Oxide form distorts the view of the relationship between the different elements in the soil. It is obvious that the total chemical composition should be expressed in the form of elements including oxygen - the element with the maximal Clarke. Thus it is necessary to consider the amendment on oxygen loss on ignition of the soil. The studied soil on amendments to oxygen can be divided into three groups. For spodosols of Russian plain after amendments oxygen content increases slightly and total chemical composition of practically does not change. For vertisols of southern Siberia after amendments oxygen content increases by 3 - 4%. Not accounting for this fact leads to a noticeable error in the content of K. For oxisols in Norfolk Island with a high proportion of unstable gibbsite after amendments content O increases by 7 - 8%. This leads to a noticeable error in the contents: O, Al, Fe and Ti in particular. For oxisols the amendment of oxygen is required.


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Received: 11/15/2018

Accepted: 11/22/2018

Accepted date: 09/30/2019

Keywords: total chemical composition; elements oxides; Clarke; vertisols; oxisols; spodosols

Available in the on-line version with: 30.09.2019

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Issue 3, 2019