ISSN 0137-0944
eISSN 2949-6144
En Ru
ISSN 0137-0944
eISSN 2949-6144
The dynamics of plant litter and some properties of forest floor during postagrogenic reforestation in the conditions of southern taiga

The dynamics of plant litter and some properties of forest floor during postagrogenic reforestation in the conditions of southern taiga


A comparative description of the structural and functional organization of plant litter and forest floor in the course of natural postagrogenic reforestation in the chronory series of ecosystems for 12, 40 and 100 years is given. As the age of the stand increases, an increase in the total reserves and diversity of litter types, a decrease in the proportion of easily decomposable components, and a decrease in their pH and ash content are found. The change of ground cover is accompanied by the replacement of grass cover with grass-shrub, which indicates a decrease in the trophicity of ecosystems. The characteristics of the litter are adequately reflected by the composition of the ground cover. As the stand is restored, a regular decrease in the decomposition intensity of the ground detritus and the speed of the biological cycle occurs. Spatial differentiation of litter types serves as a trigger for the subsequent divergence of soil organic profiles.


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PDF, ru

Received: 10/14/2018

Accepted: 09/18/2019

Accepted date: 12/30/2019

Keywords: postagrogenic succession; plant litter; litter, structural and functional organization of forest floor; biological cycle; southern taiga

Available in the on-line version with: 30.12.2019

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Issue 4, 2019